Doug Morneau

Grow your top line revenue fast with Lisa Florenzen
- I try to help any business gain at least $20,000 of revenue in less than an hour. And how I do that is really taking a look at their message, their content, what their goal is with their business.
- I look at, are they bundling? Do they have joint venture partnerships? What are they doing with those partnerships? Have you raised your prices?
- I really try to get in there and just look at the numbers first, see where we are, see where we want to go, how we can do it intelligently, and then start implementing steps to get there.
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I have been there and done that and I’m still doing it. I am worth it and if you want to save your business, if you want to [grow your top line revenue], you need, people like me.
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Doug: Well, welcome back listeners to another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. In-studio today, I’ve got joining me a fellow marketer. Lisa Florenzen calls herself the Small Business Swiss Army Knife. By spending the last 25 years working with Pre-IPO startups and medium-sized entities in California and Idaho and nationally doing everything from getting coffee, writing copy, and staffing bodies. Her non-sugar coated sense of business style and her former stint as a standup comic have given her a unique perspective on handling the marketing drama with humor, tact, and in almost any financial environment. She currently runs a consulting firm called Kabomb Coach Academy and is honored to be a consulting partner with the first social selling app, RelyCircle. So I’d like to welcome Lisa to the Real Marketing Real Fast Podcast today. Well hey, I’m super excited to have my next guest on the show. I just want to welcome Lisa Florenzen to the Real Marketing Real Fast podcast today.
Lisa Florenzen: Thank you, Doug. I’m super elated to be here.
Doug: So we connected on social media and I think the reason that happened is that we use social media what it’s designed to do, and that is to be social and not just broadcast.
Lisa Florenzen: Absolutely. I was, yeah… I mean I was tickled when I got your invite, so thank you again.
Doug: Well I connect with a lot of people that way and it surprises me that in the days of people wanting to be more social and connect that they still use it as a broadcast channel where they just think they can pump out their messages and not have conversations. And then they wonder, “Hey, social media doesn’t work for me.”
Lisa Florenzen: Yes. I’ve experienced that. Especially, I don’t want to slam any social media outlet, but LinkedIn I’ve had conversations with people or brief little things where people try to hit me up or they invite me somewhere, and then I call it the abduction by aliens, where they are gone. You don’t ever hear anything from them again. So-
Doug: That’s funny, abduction.
Lisa Florenzen: … I appreciate the fact that you come through with your contact. It’s refreshing.
Doug: Well, some of it I automate and some of it I use the team for, but I think that the goal here really is to build our network, look for smart people that you want to connect with. And that gives us an opportunity for referrals, it gives us an opportunity to work with new potential vendors and just a support network of other people who are trying to do the same thing that we’re trying to do. Which is to build our businesses and help our clients.
Lisa Florenzen: Absolutely. And I don’t know if you got the smart thing over here, but I know I got the smart thing over there where you are, so that’ll be good. At least one of us will get something out of it.
Doug: So do you want to just fill in the blanks and give us a little bit of background on kind of what your specialty and superpower is and how you work with businesses to help them with their sales and marketing and their communications?
Lisa Florenzen: Certainly, well my superpower is really that I try to help any business gain at least $20,000 of revenue in less than an hour. And how I do that is really taking a look at their message, their content, what their goal is with their business. And a lot of times its small companies, Pre-IPOs and believe it or not you think that when you got an influx of cash or you’re bootstrapping something all on your own, that you’d really have everything kind of all, some kind of a plan and it’s not the case.
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I have been there and done that and I’m still doing it. I am worth it and if you want to save your business, if you want to [grow your top line revenue], you need, people like me.
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Doug: Yep. Well, it’s funny because there are lots of companies that I meet with and when they’re asking for help with their marketing communications I ask for business a plan. And we talked about this briefly before we got on the air and it’s surprising to me how many people don’t have a plan, it’s kind of in their head. And they’re looking to someone like you to fix a problem but they can’t articulate kind of where they’re going, what their audience is. And we discussed their messaging isn’t congruent with what they’re trying to achieve.
Lisa Florenzen: Absolutely. I find that all the time. I’ve even scoured the websites of million-dollar companies and just seeing just all kinds of grammatical and typos and things peppered in their messaging. And I think, “Holy cow! You guys have a budget of millions of dollars a year, could you not afford me?” I mean, come on.
Doug: That’s funny. Yeah. I mean it’s… I find that as well. And like I mentioned to you before we got on the air, one of these days, one of my guests is going to call me out, the SEO guests, or like in your case, someone who’s an expert in writing or somebody who’s an expert in graphic design, but they’ve been graceful so far. So in terms of helping clients, I mean a $20,000 dollar revenue in an hour is a pretty big claim to make. Is there an example of a client that you’ve worked with, you can name them, not name them, entirely up to you, that you’ve helped kind of walk through your process?
Lisa Florenzen: Yeah. As a matter of fact, I have a gentleman in Maryland who’s been running… Believe it or not, he’s been running this tub and tile resurfacing business for the last, I don’t know, 15 years by himself. And unfortunately, he encountered the last two months, a major car accident which basically left him debilitated for the next six months. I mean, he’s not walking at all. And so he reached out to me, oddly enough, right before this accident, had the accident and said, “Lisa, what do I do? This is basically going to cut me financially in shreds.” And I said, “Okay, let’s take a look at this, Mike. Let’s revamp what you’re doing. Let’s try to get somebody on board for you. Let’s franchise. Have you ever thought about franchising?”
And he said, “Absolutely not. I didn’t even know that I could do something like that.” And I said, “Well, Mike, here’s the thing. You’ve been working on this business by yourself as a solopreneur for the last 15 years. Heaven forbid, did you ever think that you might want to duplicate your efforts?” I mean, it seems so simple, right? And it seems so, almost a dull moment, but he really honestly, in his mind he was super involved with his clients. He has great ratings. He was basically in control of all the day to day operations.
But now, this accident left him where he’s not in control of anything except his rehabilitation. So I just went in and said, “Look, this is what we need to do. Let’s get a plan in place. Let’s get somebody on board right now to train. You need to train that guy and then that guy needs to be duplicated and you need to do this over again.
Let me help you write everything that you do from the beginning to the end.” And which was not too bad because he had a lot of his processes already written down in some kind of form. Let’s get this to a level of reduplication. And he totally embraced it and he’s off to the races and I’m super happy that he’s actually able to rehabilitate, still keep his income going and also we’re putting the final notches on this franchising thing so that he can get it out there and sell it.
Doug: Well, that’s really interesting because we’ve got a guest coming on my show that is a franchise guy that I’ve known for 20 years. And we had just a casual conversation just a week or so ago. And one of the things that he said to me that really stuck in my mind, so I totally get and understand, your approach makes sense. Leverage yourself, build a team, build something that’ll produce income, whether you’re there or not. But there is a point that he mentioned I’d never considered. He said that “While a typical business when you want to exit might sell for two or three or four times earnings, it’s not uncommon to see a franchise sell for 10, 15, or 20 times earnings because of its potential.” And I went, “Wow! It seems like a great exit strategy for somebody who in your client’s case, who’s built a very successful business.” At some point, he’s going to want to retire. If he franchises it now he could get a 10x return on his exit just because it’s a franchise with systems and more potential to expand.
Lisa Florenzen: That’s a great point, Doug. And a company like that I’d love to see win. And I think that’s a great point for me to bring up to him because he’s really gaining momentum and I’m going to be around to listen to your franchise guy for sure.
Doug: So where do you typically see the low hanging fruit? I mean, I know that when I meet with somebody who’s a potential client because I’ve been doing this for a while and I’m sure you’re the same way, you’ve seen the most common mistakes. And lots of times you can walk in and very quickly kind of sum up where their big opportunity is. So where do you normally see that when you work with an organization?
Lisa Florenzen: Well, I usually do a really quick assessment. I kind of just run through… I’m not a finance person by any means Doug but I at least say, “Look, what are your numbers? What have you done? What are you spending? What are you getting?” And then let’s go from there. “What’s your marketing budget?” You’d have no idea how many times I speak to small businesses that say, “I shot my marketing budget.” “Well, what was it?” “It was $1,500.” “For the month?” “No, for the year.”
“What? Okay.” So I really try to just get myself into that mentality of the small business and then go, “Okay.” Especially now people are doing things differently and revamping, but I really try to get in there and just look at the numbers first, see where we are, see where we want to go, how we can do it intelligently, and then start implementing steps to get there.
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I have been there and done that and I’m still doing it. I am worth it and if you want to save your business, if you want to [grow your top line revenue], you need, people like me.
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Doug: Yeah, that makes sense. I mean, I was speaking with a fellow marketer yesterday and they do nothing but paid advertising for their clients. And so to your point of knowing the numbers, he said it’s really simple. He said, “You can try to grow everything organically.” Now I’m not against organic or SEO or social media. He said, “However, you need something that’s duplicatable.” So writing blog posts while it’s a great concept he said, “Takes a long time.” He said, “If I could show you a way that every time you spent a dollar in advertising you got $3 to $4 back why wouldn’t you do that?”
But his big point was exactly what you said. It comes back to knowing your numbers and not just knowing what your sales are but knowing what the lifetime value of a customer is so you can figure out how much money can I invest to hire somebody? So hey, at least I can afford to hire you to do this because I know that my customer lifetime value is worth $25,000 as opposed to just looking at the initial sale.
Lisa Florenzen: Yes, absolutely. And I read a book recently, I know you had this gentleman on your show recently, Taylor Welch from Traffic and Funnels. I read The Intelligent Advertiser. What an insanely great little book and those guys are on fire right now. And he made a really great point about a personal trainer that he was working with to… He wanted to help him raise his rates. And that’s one of the things I do when I take a look at a company. I look at, are they bundling? Do they have joint venture partnerships? What are they doing with those partnerships? Have you raised your prices?
And to Taylor’s point a lot of these small businesses they shudder at the fact of raising their prices or offering any other value. And you have to turn that off. I mean, especially now in this environment, if you’re saying the same old tired stuff, you really are going to be even further behind the eight balls when all this shakes out.
Doug: Yeah, absolutely. And I think sometimes when people, and I know… I’ll speak for myself when you’re looking at what you would charge somebody, you might say, “Oh, I can’t. If I charge that much, it’s going to be too much,” But the too much compared to what. I mean, instead of looking at what we do on an hourly basis or monthly basis or what you pay your team. I think if you look at it from a different set of eyes, which is what value am I bringing the client and how big of a problem I’m I solving for them. So if I’m solving a million-dollar problem for them, is it outrageous to charge them $50,000 to solve the problem? Probably not. If you could solve a million-dollar problem for people there’d be a lineup of people who’d give you $50,000 day after day. So it’s not about lots of times people having this self-doubt or imposter syndrome and I can’t change that. So yeah, you can, you look at it from solving the problem point. Don’t look at it for what you’re charging for your time.
Lisa Florenzen: Absolutely. I like that, imposter. It’s funny because in my dealing with Pre-IPOs and dealing with small businesses, a lot of times my fees are basically on the backend. And I say that only because I know that a lot of people, as I said, I come across people who have just shot a whole $1,500 for the year or something, just ungodly like that. And I think, “Holy cow! Okay, I really want to help these people. I really want to get you on the board here. So how can I best serve you and also keep my 2G network on?” So I take a look at really anything that they’re… Like, I try to trim the fat of what they’re doing and really lean them up in their marketing and their messaging and their content and all of that stuff.
And I’m really of the place. And I know it sounds kind of all I’m not completely altruistic but I’m really from the place of I am a small business. I understand what it’s like to spend money on stuff that doesn’t work and people that don’t work for you. I’ve been there, done that and I want to take my experience and really give it to you. And I’m not going to rape and pillage you per se. But you know, you’ve got to put some skin in the game. You got to give me something. If you want to know where Hoffa is buried, you got to give me something. Do you know what I mean? So…
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I have been there and done that and I’m still doing it. I am worth it and if you want to save your business, if you want to [grow your top line revenue], you need, people like me.
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Doug: Yeah, that’s funny. Yeah. Absolutely. And I think that people value what they pay for. The more they pay for it sometimes the more they value it. And sometimes people just, my experience has been, sometimes they’ve got more money than time and they’re just not willing to do the work anyhow. So, I remember at one point firing a client who… It was a law firm. He said, “Hey, well, we don’t pay contract, we would like to pay you on retainer and billable hours.” And I’m, “That’s going to be expensive [inaudible 00:14:43] I don’t care.” So how we do it. And after about two months I went, “You know, I can’t work with you guys. You’re not editing stuff. You’re not replying.” So it’s not about the money. To your point, it’s about helping them. And clearly I wasn’t helping them. I said, “Hey, when you guys figure it out, then you want to have a conversation, phone me back.” And they went, “Are you serious?” I went, “Yeah, I’m serious. I’m out of here. Wish you really well.” But it takes both sides to work together to get this end result.
Lisa Florenzen: I concur. And I love that you are in that place where you fire clients because even though I am still reinventing myself and things of that nature, I fired clients before. And if they don’t, basically I ask them five questions and if they don’t get three out of the five, right I mean, they’re voted off the island. I ask them, basically, do you have the capacity to handle a sudden influx of new customers if we get them for you? Do you have established policies and procedures for important marketing and sales aspects of your biz that you’re going to actually follow and implement? And with regards to your people’s personal reactions to your reaction to change, how would they say you are?
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I have been there and done that and I’m still doing it. I am worth it and if you want to save your business, if you want to [grow your top line revenue], you need, people like me.
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I mean, are you walking around with Xanax, or are you actually open and embracing the changes that we’re going to give you? And my last two questions are, “Hey, are you coachable at all?” And the last one is on a scale from one to 10, one being you’re not hungry and 10 meaning being you’re ravenous, how hungry are you for success? And if honestly, Doug, if they don’t get three out of five, as I said, I’m out.
Doug: That’s a great way to kind of sum it up because I think then you’ve got the opportunity to evaluate where they’re at and I just did some reflection on clients that we’ve had success with and clients we haven’t had success with. And I think if looking at that, questions that you ask, I mean, that’s a great way to kind of reduce the bad experiences for both sides.
Lisa Florenzen: Oh, absolutely. I mean, I used to think that my… Back when I was starting out and just to young and hungry and stuff, I used to think, “Oh, you know, I can sit here and chat with this person for two to three hours and only charge them for half an hour, an hour of my time if not even at all.” And I thought to myself, “Wait a minute, what the heck are you doing?” First of all your time is just as valuable and important. I don’t care who they are. I don’t care if they’re a CEO of a Fortune 5,000 company, or they’re just starting out. You have some value to offer and you are just as important and you are okay to fire someone if they are not going to play nice in the same sandbox with you.
Doug: No, you’re doing them a favor. I mean, that’s the same, the same way with your staffing. If you’ve got a staff person that’s not a fit and moving them to a different department or role isn’t a fit then the best thing you can do is as I’d say set them free to find a happier place to work in, a different audience to serve. It’s good for everybody.
Lisa Florenzen: Absolutely. I really do agree that nowadays with all of this stuff going on people and people who run businesses, I don’t care how big they are they really need to… I mean, to your point, what you said on your… I love the point that you said on your business continuity plan. Are people going to be sitting around waiting for two hours now that we can bake our own chocolate babka and give ourselves bowl cuts? Are we going to really be sitting around waiting two hours for our hairdresser to squeeze us in anymore? I don’t know some of them may be in Beverly Hills, I don’t know. But with that said, people are already doing and embracing different things. People are already being open to listening to what people like you and I have to say, whereas before they might’ve, “Oh, this doesn’t work or I know what I’m doing now.” Now it’s like, “You know what? I don’t really know what I’m doing. I need help. And I’m willing to take it from anywhere I can get it.”
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I have been there and done that and I’m still doing it. I am worth it and if you want to save your business, if you want to [grow your top line revenue], you need, people like me.
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Doug: Well and I think the one big thing is I’m not going to have to argue with people of whether or not they should be online anymore.
Lisa Florenzen: Perhaps so. Oh my God.
Doug: That discussion… That ship has sailed.
Lisa Florenzen: Absolutely. I mean, Holy cow! The Yellow Pages still exists. I get the demographic. I understand. I’m probably going to be in that demographic one day. But let me tell you the fact that we still have Yellow Pages, no slight to Yellow Pages, but that the businesses are still paying to get in there and thinking that somebody actually in their demographic, that’s going to buy there is actually looking through that. It just boggles my mind.
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I have been there and done that and I’m still doing it. I am worth it and if you want to save your business, if you want to [grow your top line revenue], you need, people like me.
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Doug: Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it’s funny because that’s normally one of the first things I get my clients to cancel if they hire me to help them with their marketing. And I was working with an auto body shop, they had nine locations. They were just going to buy another dozen locations. And I looked at their budget then I say, “Hey, why don’t we just try it? Why don’t we just knock, take these ones, take them out, save the $3,000 a month? And let’s see if there’s any difference in business. Start asking your customers where they find you.” And so they go, “Guess what? We found three grand a month.” I went, “There you go. So that pays for part of my fee.”
Lisa Florenzen: Love it.
Doug: No difference in sales, the only difference, you know, the only person that affected was obviously the sales rep from Yellow Pages. But yeah, it really comes down to, it comes back to your point again, knowing your numbers. Where are your customers coming from? Where are you spending your money? What’s giving you a good ROI? What needs to be tweaked? What needs to be dropped?
Lisa Florenzen: Absolutely. And those conversations like you said are… I find myself being the belle of the ball right now because like I said earlier before the call started, we’re like nobody is arguing with us, you know? And if they do you are the weakest link. Goodbye. You know, you are just, I don’t… There are too many businesses right now that are going, “Holy cow! I really need to change my approach.” I mean, the wonderful thing about this is all the innovation that is coming from restaurants now selling groceries, barbershops and salons now giving you take home dye kits so that you can do your own hair and walking you through tutorials. I mean, these are people that are actually getting it. And I love that. It’s unfortunate the way it came about but I love that.
Doug: Yeah. I mean, you’re right. If you think about it if you rewound back six months ago and you had a client that was in the salon business and you said, “Hey, I think you should create at-home dye kits and teach your clients how to touch up their hair instead of coming in every three weeks.” They’d go, “No way I ain’t going to lose that client.” Well, you know, that would have been great advice six months ago because now like you said the smart companies are doing that. One of the ladies who own the gym that we go to, the CrossFit box, that’s what she said. She said, “Yep. My daughter is going to dye her own hair.” She said, “No, you’re not.” She said, “I phoned my hairdresser.” Hairdresser mixed up exactly the, I can’t remember whether she called it the type of dye that she used and delivered it to the house with instructions on how to apply it.
Lisa Florenzen: Yeah. Brilliant. I mean, that’s a great example. I mean, why [inaudible 00:22:05] was on the cusp of getting weird I met with a really sexy industry, a windshield repair guy. So with that said, I, you know, I sat with him, I looked at what he was doing and I said, “Why don’t you put a video together?” Because of his video, his idea of putting a video on his website was putting him on a corner and not even showing how the chips were being done on the windshield. He was just showing himself on the corner. And I said, “Matt, what the heck? No disrespect but what is this video supposed to show me?” Well, you know, this was a great avenue for me to sell and blah-di-blah, and I said, “What you’re showing me is something that is like three weeks ago you’re not on this block right now. How about you do this? Show me a little bit of your secret sauce. Why don’t we shoot a video where you are actually showing people how to fix their own chips in their window.”
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I have been there and done that and I’m still doing it. I am worth it and if you want to save your business, if you want to [grow your top line revenue], you need, people like me.
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And he just looked at me like I was from Mars. And I said, “Look, this is the thing. If you want to be the dominant person in your market, you need to show a little bit of your secret sauce. You need to show what’s behind the curtain.” All right does that mean that people are going to rush off and go repair their own chips and their windshields? Absolutely not. But see, you showed them how to do that. You’re giving them a little bit of that behind the curtains. And they’re going to trust you now to come in and have that done for themselves. And he was just like, “Okay, let’s do it.”
Doug: Well that’s funny because that was immediately the thought that came to my mind as I was listening to you describe that situation was, “Hey, I trust that guy.” He’s not so concerned about showing me how, you know, it’s my vehicle, how he’s going to fix it. And the other of that might be, hey, there might be some people who say, “Hey, I don’t have the deductible. I don’t have the extra $150. I’m going to do a self fix.” But you can only do that for a certain, you know I’m not an expert on windshields, but you know, the crack can only be so big for you to fix it. There comes a point where you need a whole new windshield. Well then maybe I come to them for the bigger project and not the small one.
Lisa Florenzen: Absolutely. And this is the kind of, I mean, it’s in the kind of conversations you have to have with people because sometimes the answers are right in front of their face and they are just too busy running around. You know, the sky is falling and they’re not seeing that they have the answers to their own problems right there.
Doug: Well, I think that a lot, you know, my experience has been most people, not only, like you said, are they busy, but they’re too close to the situation to understand. So they know all the industry jargon, they know all the right words, which is great if they’re at the windshield convention with all their buddies, but it’s not so great for you or me or my wife, for one of my kids who doesn’t get it, they just need to get it fixed.
Lisa Florenzen: Absolutely, absolutely. And really kind of training and hand-holding some of these businesses and understanding that they have to kind of step out of their skin and be their customer is really something that I don’t mind doing at all. It’s actually enjoyable when you see the light bulb go on and you think, “Okay, I can move on now.”
Doug: That’s super cool. So what… In your business, what’s got you most excited right now looking forward in the next six to 12 months?
Lisa Florenzen: Great question. You know, I just think the fact that, as you said, the barrier to entry on some of these businesses going online and saying different things online is going to be it’s low. It’s like low, no barrier whatsoever. So for me not only being a copywriter but also a marketer, I think it’s the next six to 12 months are going to be insane. You know, word of mouth business is something that little businesses and every business are going to embrace even more. I’m blessed to be able to help people expand upon that. And so I just think the fact that I don’t have to bang my head as hard with a client for the next six to 12 months is really going to be great.
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I have been there and done that and I’m still doing it. I am worth it and if you want to save your business, if you want to [grow your top line revenue], you need, people like me.
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Doug: So I’m going to ask you a Tim Ferriss question. I don’t know if you’re a Tim Ferriss fan or not.
Lisa Florenzen: I am, I am.
Doug: Okay. So, sorry I didn’t put this in the notes that I sent you. So the question is this, I mean, for our audience, what’s the bad advice that you hear if you’re at a chamber of commerce or business meeting as it relates to hiring a marketing consultant or someone like yourself? Because often people we’ll have feedback. Now I say feedback because it’s not valid. It’s just somebody’s opinion. And my rule of thumb for working for people or asking people for advice is never to hire someone who hasn’t done what I’m going to or willing to pay the price I’m going to pay. So you’re out there and somebody’s giving some bad advice. What’s the bad advice of what hiring a marketing consultant or somebody like yourself coming into the copywriting.
Lisa Florenzen: That’s a great question. I think some of the things that I’ve heard is that we’re not worth it. You know, we’re too expensive, I’ve heard that I’m too expensive. I’m not worth it. How’s this going to benefit me? You know, all that, just the whole not worth it thing, like, “Oh, you, you’re one of that kind of guys, are you a guru?” And you know, I’m not a guru. You know, I am just me having been there and done that and still doing it and I am worth it. And if you want to save your business, if you want to take it to a whole another level, you need, people like me. Like Doug, like Taylor, like, you know, all kinds of people on your podcasts and you should not… If you’re, unless your desire is to have a business that’s subpar and to be known as that, then, by all means, do not hire me, but I am worth it. And I’m going to show you that it is worth it to have someone like us on your team.
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I have been there and done that and I’m still doing it. I am worth it and if you want to save your business, if you want to [grow your top line revenue], you need, people like me.
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Doug: Well, and I think the other side of that is that that’s a generalized statement. And I think sometimes it comes from people that have had bad experiences in the industry. So it doesn’t matter what industry you’re in in the world. There are good players and there are bad players. The other side, if you look at [inaudible 00:28:12] and Gary Vaynerchuk. And he’s quite funny sometimes. And he said, “Marketers will eventually ruin everything.” So you’ll hear people say, “Hey, Facebook doesn’t work or LinkedIn doesn’t work or email doesn’t work or I hired a copywriter. I didn’t have a good experience.” And he said, “It didn’t work for you at that time.” So my feedback would be, “Hey, if you had a bad experience so what? We’re going to welcome to life.” We’ve all had bad haircuts, bought something that didn’t work. That doesn’t mean that I stopped wearing clothes because something I bought once before I had a bad experience with.
Lisa Florenzen: Right.
Doug: And the other side of that is that I know from looking at your website that you’ve got a number of offers and one of them is an opportunity for people to reach out and talk to you. So my advice is to go talk to some people ask for, like you said, ask for referrals, get on the phone. You know, it needs to be a fit for both people. Have a conversation with one, two, or three, or whatever you need to find the person that you feel is a good partner for you and go forward. And quit asking your neighbor over the fence for medical advice because he’s not a doctor.
Lisa Florenzen: Well said, Doug. Absolutely. And to your point, there are people who have had bad experiences with marketers in one way or another. And you know, it’s valid to be gun shy, but not everybody is the bad guy. There are people out there doing good things-
Doug: Absolutely, yep. Yep.
Lisa Florenzen: … and I’m not in the business of constantly trying to wear white all the time. But at the same token, I think the clients that I do have, they’re happy and they speak volumes for me. And that really to me is what matters the most.
Doug: Yep, absolutely. So a couple of questions and I’ll let you go for today. One is who’s one guest I absolutely have to have on my podcast.
Lisa Florenzen: Well, you know I’m going to say this. I really think that he’s brilliant. His name is Minesh Chandarana and he is the CEO of a word of mouth app, it’s called RelyCircle. So I think that is about to change the dynamic for a lot of millions of small businesses around. And I have the pleasure of working with him and I think he’s amazing.
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I have been there and done that and I’m still doing it. I am worth it and if you want to save your business, if you want to [grow your top line revenue], you need, people like me.
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Doug: Well, would you be willing to make an introduction for me?
Lisa Florenzen: Oh, absolutely. Absolutely.
Doug: That’d be great. So the most important question today for our listeners that have enjoyed our conversation, what’s the best way for them to reach you, reach out, connect with you, learn more?
Lisa Florenzen: Well, thank you, Doug. Yeah. They’re welcome to reach out to me on my website. It’s a Kabomb and it’s a weird spelling. So it’s K-a-b-o-m-b Coaching Academy. And that’s spelled traditionally with a c-o-a-c-h-i-n-g Feel free to reach out to me there. And I have some offers, a free magazine that I happen to be honored to be a part of, and some other free things that I would love your listeners to partake in.
Doug: Well, and I just went in and signed up for your four video series on generating leads. I think it says how to generate all the leads your business can handle. So I’m looking forward to receiving your videos by email.
Lisa Florenzen: Oh, so sweet Doug. Thank you.
Doug: Well, thanks for taking the time today. I appreciate you just showing up and sharing your knowledge with us.
Lisa Florenzen: Well, it’s been my absolute honor and pleasure to be here Doug. Thank you again for having me.
Doug: So there you’re listeners, this is another episode of Real Marketing Real Fast. And today we talked a whole bunch about basic marketing skills. I really enjoyed the conversation with Lisa. I hope you did as well. As per usual we’ll make sure that these, our notes are transcribed. I’ll have it linked to Lisa’s website at Kabomb Coaching Academy and her LinkedIn. And yeah. So thanks for tuning in. We look forward to serving you in our next episode.
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I have been there and done that and I’m still doing it. I am worth it and if you want to save your business, if you want to [grow your top line revenue], you need, people like me.
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- Web – Kabomb Coaching Academy
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