Real Life Leadership Podcast

Real Life Leadership Podcast

Latest Episodes

#15 5 Surefire Ways To Know If You Should Fire Someone or Keep Them (with Kelly Roach)
April 19, 2019

How do you know when it's the right time to fire someone? How can you tell if a team member is hurting or helping your business? Find out in this episode! Our guest today, Kelly Roach, is known as THE BUSINESS CATALYST. She helps elite business owners...

#14 Why Does Marketing Matter for Leaders?
April 05, 2019

We can all agree that marketing and social media matter to some extent…but what do they have to do with leadership? In this episode we discuss the significance of marketing in leadership, tips to improve your marketing, how leaders can acquire more...

#13 The Three Characteristics of a Great Leader (Best Of)
March 29, 2019

On this episode, Josh shares some of our favorite clips from the podcast so far on The Three Characteristics of a Great Leader! Hear from Toby Harris, Pat Hiban, Ray Gessner, Chantel, Heather and Thomas Lane on each of the...

#12 Managing Expectations and Keeping A Scoreboard (with Ron Kitchens)
March 22, 2019

Need ideas on how to manage people and manage expectations? We’ve got you covered! In this episode, we talk about this and the importance of keeping a scoreboard for your team to take them to the next level! Today’s special guest is Ron Kitchens -...

#11 When High-Level Leaders Fail
March 15, 2019

What happens when you have a high-level leader in your organization who ends up failing in their job role? Sometimes you ask yourself: Was it us? Was it them? Did we set the right expectations? In this episode, we discuss some of the reasons why...

BONUS #1: How To Hold Your Team Accountable
March 08, 2019

WATCH THE VIDEO: Check out this bonus episode with Heather and Thomas Lane on how to have your team set S.M.A.R.T. Goals and how to hold them accountable for them! For more resources, visit...

#10 Let Your Yes Be Yes and Your No Be No (with Thomas Lane)
March 08, 2019

What do you do when an employee says they’re going to do something, but they don’t do it? Do you get upset? Fire them? How SHOULD you react? In this episode with return-guest Thomas Lane, we discuss the topic of letting your yes be yes, and your...

#4 Will Not Skill
February 01, 2019

We all have parts of our job that we LOVE doing and some parts that we don't like doing... But, what do you do when you have an employee/team member that has the SKILL to do something, but not the WILL. How do you handle the objection and coach them?...

#3 How To Avoid Startup Mistakes (with Thomas Lane of Ascent Church)
February 01, 2019

When you're starting a new business or church, it's inevitable that you'll make some mistakes along the way. We all have! But how do you avoid some of the most common startup mistakes, build sustainable growth, and create a clear mission and vision...

#2 How To Set Goals That Stick (with Wally Schmader)
February 01, 2019

“We need cheerleaders and we need accountability partners, but they cannot be the same person.” – Wally Schmader It’s 2019 and you want to set better goals but how do you do it? How many should you make? How do you decide what’s most...