Real Hypothetical

Real Hypothetical

Latest Episodes

The Hot Dog Scale
January 10, 2018

Taylor and Eli ask two questions and answer many, many more. Including: How is Taylor still alive at 24? How depressing is it to eat ...

And Then We Escape on a Boat-Plane
January 02, 2018

Taylor and Eli ask two questions and answer many, many more. But like LOST, every answer will only lead to more questions. So enjoy our ...

The Shakesnail Dilemma
December 26, 2017

Taylor and Eli ask two questions and answer many, many more. Including: Did Eli meet a time-traveling Future Eli? What’s proper doctor etiquette when the ...

We Need to Launder Some Horse Money
December 20, 2017

Taylor and Eli ask two questions and answer many, many more. Including: How do you ghost an entire high school? Was the state of Florida ...

Buildings 2: Under Construction
December 09, 2017

Taylor and Eli ask two questions and answer many, many more. Including: How much do Spy Kids glasses cost? What is the sexiest building? Why ...