Real Estate Disruptors

Real Estate Disruptors

Handling An Employee Altercation Like Draymond Green and Jordan Poole

October 14, 2022

Handling An Employee Altercation Like Draymond Green and Jordan Poole

Debate on Key Topics in Real Estate.

Featuring: Steve Trang, Leon G Barnes, Chris Jefferson, Eric Brewer, and RJ Bates III

Hosted by Jonathan “The Weezle” Sanchez

1. How Would You Curb Inflation?
2. How Would You Handle a Situation Between Employees Like Draymond Green and Jordan Poole’s Altercation?
3. How Do You Prepare For Q4, Which Is Generally The Slowest Quarter In Real Estate?
4. Are Market Prices Going To Go Up Or Down, And By How Much?
5. What’s More Important Right Now, Mindset Or Technique?
6. How Do You See Rental Rates Changing Over The Next Cycle And The Importance Of Having Strong Cashflow During A Down Cycle?

Video replay | Handling An Employee Altercation Like Draymond Green and Jordan Poole| Pardon The Disruption Debate Show

Handling An Employee Altercation Like Draymond Green and Jordan Poole

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