

From Selling Bananas in Mexico to Selling Portfolios to Hedge Funds

September 01, 2024

In this episode, we have Victor Heredia with Home Offers America and Quality Skip, and Vic is back again as another Disruptor in the Phoenix market. Today, Victor talks about how he went from selling bananas in Mexico to selling portfolios to hedge funds.

How Victor Heredia Went From Selling Bananas in Mexico to Selling Portfolios to Hedge Funds | Video Replay

How Victor Heredia Went From Selling Bananas in Mexico to Selling Portfolios to Hedge Funds

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How Victor Heredia Went From Selling Bananas in Mexico to Selling Portfolios to Hedge Funds

Victor Heredia | Quality Skip and Real Estate Investor


Victor Heredia was born and raised in Phoenix. Before starting in the Real Estate industry full-time, he was responsible for managing the sales and operations in the US for his family’s international agricultural business. At 25, he helped open and launch their first distribution center in the US.

Having learned the real estate business from many successful mentors he brings his years of corporate experience to the real estate industry.

As an Entrepreneur, he scaled his real estate business to over 30 employees wholesaling to iBuyers, wholetailing, and doing fix & flips nationwide generating multiple 6 figures per month.

Recently he has ventured into the hard money and transactional funding industry to offer other real estate investors and wholesalers much-needed capital.

How Victor Heredia Went From Selling Bananas in Mexico to Selling Portfolios to Hedge Funds | Takeaways

1. Leverage relationships and be persistent to start selling deals to large hedge funds.

2. Continuous learning and being part of masterminds to grow your business is important.

3. Strong belief in yourself and surround yourself with successful people to achieve your goals.

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