The Innerverse of Business & Life

The Innerverse of Business & Life

095: When Events In The World Wake You Up with Amy Johnson & Barb Patterson

June 19, 2020

This week’s episode is a conversation between myself and Amy Johnson. It’s a different type of conversation because Amy and I share how the recent death of George Floyd, the protests and unrests in the United States and the Black Lives Matter movement has impacted us both deeply. This conversation takes place as we are both just “waking up”. It is clear we have a lot to learn and we are doing our best to listen deeply. We do not pretend to be experts or to have this figured out but we wanted to have the conversation in the hope that others in our communities may find value in being on the journey with us. Taking stock, looking at what we don’t know, listening to the voices of others while aligning to our deeper wisdom is helping us find our way. This is the beginning for both of us. I am forever changed by these events. I do not want to be your friend, guide, teacher and mentor in the easy times only. I’m here for it all including when I am clearly a student and in my own process. That said, I know we can learn and grow together. I’m grateful to have you here. As always.