Reaching Abundance

Reaching Abundance

From Debt and Panic to Surviving, Now Thriving

October 19, 2020

I’m sharing my behind-the-scenes financial journey, from rock bottom with 80K in debt to becoming debt free in just 3 years, with you today. As we started our own family, my parent’s marriage imploded, I started over on the payscale, and a multitude of emotionally charged large financial decisions were made in a short period of time that negatively affected our finances. Our journey toward debt freedom while raising 2 under 2 was the most emotional, desperate, frightening, and lonely thing I’ve ever been through. It formed the woman / mom / financial coach I am today and fueled my passion for helping moms navigate the process faster, easier, and better than I did on my own. More at www.reachingabundance.comThe show notes are at: me on Insta: