Reaching Abundance

Reaching Abundance

How to Teach Kids About Money

November 11, 2019

A large part of teaching your children about money is understanding their brain development by age and learning what concepts they can comprehend at that stage. Inside this episode, I break down cognitive development by age group and discuss what you can teach them based on their ability.  Want to make sure you set your kid on the path to managing their money well? This is the episode you’ve been waiting for! I share educational activities you can try, when to establish chores, when to open a bank account, how to teach them when to spend and when to save, and even when to introduce investing. I provide suggestions for conversation, phrases to use to encourage a positive money mindset, and even “money” book recommendations for your budding readers at all ages.! Enjoy conversing with your kiddo, ask them questions, and, most importantly, make money an openly discussed topic in your household. Check out the full show notes, download the list of recommended books, and even swipe the positive money mindset mantras at