Episode 107: Double, Double, Toil and Trouble (Brew a Potion Day)

January 19, 2024

“Double, double, toil and trouble,
Fire burn and cauldron bubble…”

If you’ve read Shakespeare in high school or college, you’ll recognize it from the play “The Tragedy of Macbeth”, from the scene with the witches at the cauldron with Macbeth, though some may think it’s the title of a kid’s movie by the Olsen twins.

Actually, we’re celebrating Brew a Potion Day on January 19 (oddly enough having celebrating National Pharmacist Day last week), in which we consider the lighter side of brewing potions for our health and personal welfare. True, most associate brewing potions with witches, but it’s no different than creating concoctions from plants, herbs, seeds, and other things in nature.

For this week’s episode, we’ll be listening to tracks from games in which you can craft potions: a Dragonborn out to save the world, battling enemies while raising a farm, and finding your fortune while traveling to Frisco. There will also be some remixes or covers to follow each track.

Enjoy these tracks as you’re brewing your potion or poison of choice…


Brew a Potion Day


Discord Invite



Track Listing

“The Streets of Whiterun” – [The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim] – composed by Jeremy Soule

“The Streets of Whiterun Remix” – remixed by Betoceba

“Spring (It’s a Big World Outside)” – [Stardew Valley] – composed by ConcernedApe

“Spring (It’s a Big World Outisde)” – remixed by InspirAspir

“Main Theme” – [West of Loathing] – composed by Ryan Ike

“Main Theme  – West of Loathing [Acoustic]” – covered by Alex Heflin


YouTube playlist


