Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Latest Episodes

Leader Slip 3 – Wise Counsel
March 21, 2016

Everyone is called to be a leader, a positive influence in the world. To answer that call is Leadership. To not answer the call is Leader Slip. Rehoboam should have been a great leader for Israel. He had a impressive family,

Leader Slip 3 Called but not Present
March 17, 2016

We are in the 2nd week of our Leader Slip series. Leadership is influence Everyone is called to be a leader, but many do not answer that call King Saul has some amazing stats.  Hand picked by God, the most handsome, the tallest,

Leader Slip 1 – Focus
March 08, 2016

You are called to be a leader.  You are called to be an influencer of people.  You and everyone else is called to be a leader in at least some avenue of life. But often we fall short of that calling.  Instead of showing Leadership we show Leader Slip.

First Love 4 – The 2nd Mile | Redemption Church Plano
March 03, 2016

Love is a 2nd mile challenge! Love challenges our system. Jesus challenges our definition of how to love & who to love. No longer are we to operate under a eye for eye, tooth for tooth system. We are challenged to operate in a love that gives more than...

First Love 3 – Heart Problems
February 23, 2016

Nothing gets our attention like a heart problem. The Heart is the center of who you are.  The heart is the center of your physical, emotional, spiritual, & intellectual. Proverbs 4:23 says that EVERYTHING flows out of the heart.

First Love 2 – Lawyers, Loopholes, & Love
February 19, 2016

A Lawyer asked Jesus how to gain everlasting life. Jesus’ answer may us. Love is key to receiving everlasting life. On the cover this may seem easier than you expected. But the answer sent the Lawyer scrambling for a loophole.

First Love 1 – The Expectation Trap
February 12, 2016

Do you remember your first love?  Do you remember how you felt? It’s kind of hard to forget right!?  First Love is intense. It is at times irrational. It is powerful. Over time it appears that this intense first love dwindles.

Lego Church 5 – Built with broken pieces
February 04, 2016

We don’t like to build with broken Lego pieces, and we may be reluctant to connect with broken people.  But Jesus values broken pieces.  As Christians we are called to connect to a hurting and broken world,

Lego Church 4 – Built to Create
February 02, 2016

this just in… LEGOS ARE COOL! You can basically create anything with a Lego. Just google “built with legos.” It would be a shame to only build something boring… You can basically create anything in your life… it would be a shame to only build something...

Lego Church 3 – Building…
January 20, 2016

You are Built to Build! So are you Building? - God wants you to Build Big! He is calling you to build something significant, influential, and important. - In life we are either PROGRESSING or REGRESSING. We are either building or we are decaying to a...