Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Lego Church 3 – Building…

January 20, 2016

You are Built to Build! So are you Building?

God wants you to Build Big! He is calling you to build something significant, influential, and important.

In life we are either PROGRESSING or REGRESSING. We are either building or we are decaying to atrophy. It is so important that we keep building and pressing toward progress.

Are you still building?

Lego Church 3 - Building... from Redemption Church on Vimeo.

Lego Church 3 – Building
Sermon notes by Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx
**Vid bumper


We are in the 3rd week of our Lego Church series…

Lego Church Title

You can pretty much build anything out of Legos..

I searched google images for “made out of legos” and here are some of my findings..


A functional car (Even the motor is Lego)


A wall of your house.. or even the entire house

The housing of a PAC-MAN arcade machine

A computer keyboard

A guitar

Mount Rushmore

Life SIZED Dirk Nowitski


It might take you a long time, but it can probably be built.


As you start this new-year you feel that drive to build in your life. You have those resolutions, you have those dreams, you have that feeling that you need to do more & go further…

In week 1 we told you that you build with others in community.

Last week, in week 2 we told you to build on something unchanging.

Today I want to tell you to keep building.


We know far too well that we either progress or we regress.

Life does not stand still.

Your finances are either progressing or regressing.

Your health is either progressing or regressing.

We don’t like to admit it but our relationships are either progressing or regressing.

Your Dallas Cowboys are either regressing or really regressing.

The dirty clothes or dirty dishes are either being washed or they are stacking up and taking over your home.

We know all too well that we either keep building on our new-year resolution or it quickly falls apart.


You are called to build something big. I believe that, don’t you?  Building big takes time

There are things that take more than a day to build.  There are things that take more than a 30 second prayer to build. You can’t just do one push-up and then be done building your health.

There are big things that take a prolonged effort…

* Your marriage..
* Your Calling in God..
* Your education..
* Your retirement savings..
* Starting that business..


In the day of the quick fix we might not want to hear about building and hard work – but it’s the truth.  THE BIG WORK YOU ARE CALLED TO BUILD WILL TAKE TIME & EFFORT!

Do you believe in what you are building?  Do you believe it is worth the time & effort?

Sometimes you can get lost in the project and forget the importance of what you are doing.  Building projects have some monotony, where you do the same thing over and over…

Lego Piece… Lego Piece… Lego Piece… Lego Piece…

Go to school… go to school… go to school…

Go to work… go to work… go to work…

Spend time with the kids… spend time with the kids…

The life you are building is going to be filled with repetitive tasks. There is a danger in this.





Are you still building?

Do not make the mistake of thinking you are done building.  As long as you live, your life long project remains unfinished.

1 Peter 2:4 As you come to him, the living Stone--rejected by men but chosen by God and precious to him--(NIV)

1 Peter 2:5 you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.(NIV)

The Bible points out something important in this building project.