Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Lego Church 2 – Built on

January 16, 2016

You are built to build.
The foundation you build upon will define the longevity, the strength, and size of what you build.
What are you built upon? Whatever you build on needs to be unchanging.
So many of the things we build on a re completely changing... Ourselves, or family, our career, success.. all changeable.
The Word of God tells us to be built on the Apostles and Prophets with Jesus Christ as our Chief Cornerstone.
Lego Church 2 - Built on from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
Lego Church 2 – Built on
Sermon notes by Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx
**Vid bumper
Hello & welcome. You are at Redemption Church or you are listening or watching this online.  We are happy to be able to share a message of hope with you.  My name is Chris Fluitt. I serve as Lead Pastor here at Redemption Church. I am a pastor but what really defines me is that I am loved and accepted by Jesus Christ.
We are in the 2nd week of our Lego Church series…
Lego Church Title
Here are some random facts about the Lego
The Lego Company began in 1932. Located in Billund, Denmark.
They were originally called “Automatic Binding Bricks.”
The name Lego comes from the Danish phrase ”Leg Godt,” meaning “play well.”
During the Holiday season 28 Lego sets were sold per second.
Last week we told you…
Legos are better than Blocks.  Blocks stack while Legos Connect.
You are built to build and created to connect.
Although stacking is easier, you were created with a drive to go further.  When blocks stack they are merely near each other, but Legos form a connection and a bond that strengthens the building effort.
Connection happens through acceptance. The Lego pieces accept each other.
-Today I want to have a building contest.  I need a volunteer to try to replicate this house…
In order to build something that will last you must build on SOMETHING solid, unmovable, & unchanging.
No one ever dreams about the foundation… When you are thinking about your dream home you are thinking about paint colors, room layouts, large screen tvs, and furniture.  No one dreams about the slab of concrete under the dream home.
Construction projects spend a large amount of time, energy, & money on a foundation. It is the part of the house that is never celebrated in better homes & gardens magazine, but it is the part of the building process that ensures the longevity and strength of the home.
The foundation actually defines what you build… A sky scraper requires a foundation with a greater depth than a 2 story house requires.
It does not matter what materials you are built with.. or who you are built by.. if you are not Built on
As you start this year and try to build something, we need to ask… “What are we building on?
Everything has to be built on something.
There are a lot of things you could build your life upon, but when selecting a foundation you need something that is unchanging.
Jesus told us that the wise man built his house on the rock and the foolish man built his house on the sand.   The storm came and the house built on the rock stood while the house built on the shifting sands fell. (Matthew 7:24-27)
In life you may be tempted to build your life on:
self-improvement (not a bad thing)
Ego  -  Caring only for yourself
You change
Caring for others (good!)
Caring only for your own
Goal oriented (Great for growth)
Rewards – Money, better station in life
Regrets at the end of life… Almost always
success /accomplishments
Something tangible to point to..
public opinion/admiration