Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Don’t Forget to Remember

December 05, 2015

Our society has days of remembrance commemorating important events, extraordinary sacrifices, admirable achievement.. but we often still forget..
Humans are Forgetful
God commands us to remember. It is essential that we don't forget.

If we forget we lose a lot more than just a memory.

* We lose the lessons learned from history
* We lose our own story and identity
* We lose the proof that important accomplishments come from ordinary people

The Enemy Steals
We humans are forgetful, but there is also an enemy that is out to steal our victory.  Jesus says He is like a bird that steals the seed of the word of God from those who have heard it.  The enemy wants to sow fear instead of faith.

We have to fight to remember.  Will you take up arms in the good fight of faith?

Don't Forget to Remember from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
 Don’t forget to Remember
Sermon notes by Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx


Our society has some important days that we try to remember. Raise your hand if you know what we are trying to remember on these days..


The 3rd Monday of January (Martin Luther King day – marking the birthday of the great civil rights leader)

The 1st Thursday of May (National day of prayer)

The 2nd Sunday of May (Mother’s Day)

The last Monday of May (Memorial day. Formerly known as Decoration Day, it commemorates all men and women, who have died in military service for the United States.)

June 6th (D-Day – on this day in 1944 American soldiers and other allied forces landed on the shore of Normandy, France. This was a costly and key victory in World War II)

The 3rd Sunday in June (Father’s Day)

September 11th (Patriot day, observed as the National Day of Service and Remembrance, occurs on September 11 of each year in memory of the 2,977 people killed in the 2001 September 11 attacks.)

The 4th Thursday in November (Thanksgiving – A national holiday of giving thanks for the blessing of the harvest and of the preceding year.)

December 7th (Pearl Harbor day – a day where we remember the attack on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii in 1941)

December 25th (Christmas Day)

How did we do?

I didn’t even mention talk like a Pirate day, Star Wars day, Ground Hog’s day, Boxing day…


We have these days of remembrance commemorating important events, extraordinary sacrifices, admirable achievement.. but we often still forget..

Humans are forgetful

We have these life altering moments in the history of a nation… Like September 11th, 2001.. and we know in that moment that life has changed. We can’t imagine ever forgetting how we felt in that moment. We will know where we were and what we were doing when we heard the news.

Humans are forgetful but there are somethings you can’t forget… But do you understand that that is exactly how people felt when they heard about the attack on Pearl Harbor?  In 8 days it will be December 7th and very few people will remember that important day..

The day that Pearl Harbor happened, people could not imagine forgetting.. these years later it is forgotten.

The very reason we have days of remembrance is because Humans are forgetful

We have to work to remember. We have to constantly remind ourselves else we forget.  And if we forget we lose a lot more than just a memory.

* We lose the lessons learned from history
* We lose our own story and identity
* We lose the proof that important accomplishments come from ordinary people


The spiritual things that come from a life in God must be remembered. God commands that we remember.


God had promised to lead Israel from slavery in Egypt into the land God had promised Abraham. In Joshua 4 came the moment they would need to always remember. It would be the moment that they would cross the river Jordan and enter into the promise land.