Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Afterlife 4 – Hell is real

September 08, 2015

"If you died right now where would you spend eternity?"
Wow what a question that is!? Christians ask that question in efforts to get people saved, but the truth is… We don’t understand eternity ourselves.


Sure, Christians recognize the words heaven & hell.. but do we understand what they will be like or where they will be? We don’t have much recognition of the tribulation, millennial kingdom, the judgement seat of Christ, the great white throne judgement…

So what happens after you die? The Bible tells us. It’s time we take a look.

In this 4th week of the sermon series, Pastor Chris Fluitt gives us a look at Hell.

Hell is a subject that makes people uneasy. Alot of people try to avoid this subject. Sometimes humans would rather be ignorant than troubled.

When we look at what Scripture says about Hell some things come into view that no one should be ignorant of..

* Hell is Real!  Hell is physical & literal.
* Hell is eternal.
* Hell was not created for humans.
* God wants you to be in Heaven and not Hell.

This is a subject that the Bible has covered. You do not need to go into the afterlife ignorant of Hell. The description of Hell ought to change how you live forever.

Afterlife 4 - Hell is real ( from Redemption Church ( on Vimeo (

Afterlife 4 Hell is Real
Sermon notes by Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx
Jesus is coming soon      Morning or night or noon

And many will meet their doom                                Trumpets will sound

All of the dead shall rise Righteous meet in the skies

Going where no one dies             Heavenward bound


It’s a highway to heaven               None can walk up there                                But the pure in heart

It’s a highway to heaven               Walking up the King’s Highway


Soon & very soon we are going to see the King

Soon & very soon we are going to see the King

Soon & very soon we are going to see the King

Hallelujah hallelujah We’re going to see the King


No more crying there we are going to see the King

No more crying there we are going to see the King

No more crying there we are going to see the King

Hallelujah hallelujah We’re going to see the King



Welcome back for the 4th week of the afterlife series. My name is Chris Fluitt I serve as Lead Pastor here at Redemption Church in the beautiful city of Plano.

I have been so excited about this Afterlife series. Thank you for the great feedback we have been getting. Someone told me the other day that they have fear about the afterlife and more confidence in God’s plan after learning about the rapture & millennial kingdom.

The Afterlife is a lot more than just Heaven & Hell

The afterlife is a little more complicated than you might think.

We have been filling out an AFTERLIFE TIMELINE 2

Most people are curious as to what happens after this life. The Bible gives us answers. We have talked in week 1 about the Rapture (the catching away of a prepared bride), & the tribulation. In the 2nd week we talked about the Millennium Reign & the Rapture Reward.  Last week we talked about Heaven!

I encourage you to check out the podcast and the sermon notes we have posted to our website. (

We will finish up this series next week and we should have our timeline all filled in…  today we are going to Hell

This is a subject that is not preached often.  Sometimes a sermon on hell can scare people. A famous sermon by Jonathan Edwards called “Sinners in the hands of an angry God” in the 1700s was so powerful that people held on to whatever was around them out of fear that they could fall into hell.  Hell ca