Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Afterlife 1 – Rapture & Tribulation

August 18, 2015

"If you died right now where would you spend eternity?"
Wow what a question that is!? Christians ask that question in efforts to get people saved, but the truth is… We don’t understand eternity ourselves.

Sure, Christians recognize the words heaven & hell.. but do we understand what they will be like or where they will be? We don’t have much recognition of the tribulation, millennial kingdom, the judgement seat of Christ, the great white throne judgement…

So what happens after you die? The Bible tells us. It’s time we take a look.

In this 1st week of the series Pastor Chris Fluitt takes a look at the Rapture & the Tribulation. He offers a challenging view that the rapture is for a prepared bride. Are we prepared? Are we watching, waiting, longing for the return of the savior Jesus Christ?
Afterlife 1 - Rapture & Tribulation ( from Redemption Church ( on Vimeo (
Afterlife 1 – Rapture & Tribulation
Sermon Notes by Chris Fluitt
O I want to see Him

Verse 1:

As I journey through the land, singing as I go,

Pointing souls to Calvary—to the crimson flow,

Many arrows pierce my soul from without, within;

But my Lord leads me on, through Him I must win.


Oh, I want to see Him, look upon His face,

There to sing forever of His saving grace;

On the streets of glory let me lift my voice,

Cares all past, home at last, ever to rejoice.


There is an afterlife. Everyone thinks about it. Christians and non-christians alike have always asked the question..

What happens after you die?

Mankind has always asked this question. We are all assured of death and always wonder what comes next… Mankind has come up with many different answers to the question..

Some believe in reincarnation.

Some believe your spirit goes into another plane of existence.

Even belief systems that don’t believe in a supernatural afterlife are focused on a natural afterlife. Take this Biodegradeable Urn for example.  Even if you don’t believe your soul or spirit live on you might believe that you could live on a source of life to the planet.

As a Christian What happens after you die?

I am sure you thought of 2 words Heaven & Hell. If you did then this sermon series is perfect for you. A major idea of this series is that The Afterlife is a lot more than just Heaven & Hell.

This series is not meant to scare us, but to lead us, educate us, and give us hope. Here is an overview of the series.

* Week 1 (Today) The Afterlife Timeline – Rapture Tribulation
* Week 2 – The Rapture Reward & Millennial Kingdom
* Week 3 Heaven
* Week 4 Hell
* Week 5 The 2 Resurrections & 2 Judgements

Make plans to be here all 4 weeks. Tell others about the series.  Also feel free to ask questions on our anonymous text line 214 856 0550

The Afterlife is a lot more than just Heaven & Hell

Before we dig in I want to give a disclaimer..

* People will disagree with it.

* That is ok.

* This is one way of interpreting Endtime scripture. It is the way I understand it best.
* If you have any questions or even disagreements I am happy to talk with you about them.
* This is not a salvational doctrine. This is interpreting prophecy that is in some cases purposely shrouded by God. If we disagree on some points here we can still agree on the saving work of Jesus Christ and His cross. (and the Church said amen!)



There is lot more than just heaven or hell on this timeline ahead of us. These things will take place in the future. As I am speaking to you now they have not yet occurred. I will be covering THE RAPTURE, The TRIBULATION, THE MILLENIAL REIGN, & The 1st Resurrection today.

The Rapture

You may be familiar with the word “rapture,” but perhaps you don’t know the word doesn’t appear in your Bible.