Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

I Quit Loving my Life – Redemption Church Plano

May 25, 2015

If you think of things you want to quit, "loving your life" probably doesn't come to mind.  However, Jesus tells that whoever loves their life will lose it.  Jesus doesn't want us to hate our life, but we should be careful that we don't love the things of this life more than God.  Instead we should love Jesus as our life, and seek to love others as He has loved us.

I Quit Loving my Life – Redemption Church Plano ( from Redemption Church ( on Vimeo (
I Quit Loving My Life
Sermon notes by Marshal Blessing
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I Quit Title


I’ve heard it all my life: A quitter never wins and a winner never quits!

There are times in our life when we need to persevere, when we need to push on and keep going.

In general, “don’t be a quitter” is a good message for kids because usually it’s easier to quit.

But there are times we want kids to quit doing some things:
“Quit hitting your brother.”
“Quit drawing on the walls.”
“Quit running while holding those scissors.”

If you’re doing something that could harm yourself or others, it’s good to quit.

If we’re doing things that negatively impact our lives, we need to quit.

If at some point during this series you realize that you are doing something that’s hurting you or holding you back, our hope is that you will resolve to quit.  In that sense, it’s okay to be a quitter.  It’s good to say, “I quit.”

Last week Pastor Chris told us about things we could be doing that could be sabotaging our life; when we do those things we are actually hating our life.  He told us that we need to quit hating our life.  If you missed it, or you would like to review it, it is posted on our website and I encourage you to go check it out.

For those of you who were here, how many of you took his advice to heart?  Raise your hands, how many of you have quit hating your life?  How many of you love your life?
Good.  Those of you with your hands up will want to pay close attention today.

Today I want to tell you to quit loving your life.

I Quit Loving My Life

What?!  Is that a typo?  Nope.  But last week we just told you to quit hating your life.?  I know.
Quit loving your life.  I realize that sounds harsh, but that’s what the Book says.  Let’s take a look:

John 12:25 NIV  Anyone who loves their life will lose it, while anyone who hates their life in this world will keep it for eternal life.

These are the words of Jesus.  Anyone who loves their life will lose it.  Anyone who hates their life will keep it.  Jesus says quit loving your life.

Now this teaching doesn’t sound out of character coming from the Messiah who tells us to “Love our enemies,” to “Turn the other cheek,” to “Bless those who curse us,” and to “Pick up our crosses and follow Him.” But it still sounds a little shocking…

It sounds like Jesus is telling us to hate our life.  If we take this verse literally, it almost doesn’t make sense.  “If you love your life, you will lose it.  But if you hate your life it will last forever.” What?!

Clearly, there must be something else going on here, and we need to make sure we understand what Jesus is really telling us.

There is one other verse where Jesus tells us to “hate our life.”

Luke 14:26 NIV If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters—yes, even their own life—such a person cannot be my disciple.

Well, there you go.  It’s a good thing we didn’t preach this message on Mother’s Day, but this is a good verse to keep in mind since Father’s Day is still coming up.

NO!  I don’t believe Jesus actually wants us to hate our family.  He wouldn’t command us to hate our mother and father because that would violate one of the Ten Commandments, and we all know that Jesus did not sin and was the fulfillment of the commandments.  Je