Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Financial Peace 2 - Debt

April 02, 2015

( peace is possible!
If we look to the Word of God and come under new management we will have that peace.

One of the things robbing most of peace is Debt. The Bible has a lot to say about debt,,, but so does the world..
The world has some Money Myths concerning debt...

* Debt is Necessary
* It's just debt
* My debt is manageable
* It will take care of itself
* I'll never dig out of this debt so what is another charge?

6 debt danger signs

* Live on credit and not cash
* Delaying payment or paying the minimum
* Unable to Tithe or Save
* Unable to pay taxes
* Extravagant Spending
* Looking for get rich quick schemes

Get out of Debt Baby Steps

* List how much you own and how much you owe
* Save an emergency fund of $1000
* Pay off your debt with a snowball

* Work from least to greatest to build momentum
* Calculate a day of completion
* Pray
* Celebrate & Testify when it is done

* Save & Invest

* Save a 3-6 month emergency fund
* Start investing and saving for retirement

You can be debt free! YES!  YOU CAN BE DEBT FREE!  It will take work. It will take a life change. We must take ownership of the situation.  When we become good stewards we become people that God will liberally bless.  You will live in Financial Peace.
Financial Peace 2 - Debt ( from Redemption Church ( on Vimeo (
Financial Peace 2 - Debt
Sermon notes by Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx
**Bumper Video – Total Recall

Happy Palm Sunday everyone. Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter, when the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem is celebrated. Jesus is triumphant and I pray He enters your heart today!  Into your mind, your actions, into everything that makes you, you. Jesus come be our King today.

You are here at Redemption Church in Plano Tx, or you are checking out our podcast somewhere on the internet. We welcome you and have fellowship with you in the name of the savior Jesus.

Last week we kicked off our sermon series Financial Peace. If you missed it I encourage you to check it out. Go to our website… ( and search for FINANCIAL PEACE.

We talked about stewardship. How God is the giver of everything we have and that he expects us to properly use and manage what He gives. When we come under the management of Jesus we experience peace.

We told you that money is personal, powerful, potential, and priority.  We talked to you about the power of the Tithe.  The tithe is the first 10% of your increase. It is not about the amount you give but the priority you place God and his command.  Malichi 3 says strong things about tithing. It uses the words blessing and cursing.  When you are living under God’s financial plan there is peace and blessing.  But when you are living under the world’s financial plan… you are operating under a cursed system filled with greed, fear, materialism, stress…

God’s financial plan is to be happy with less… The world’s financial plan is to not be happy until you have more…

And finally, last week we challenged you to live on less.

You were challenged to live on 70% your finances. This change will allow you to..

* Give God what He asks for FIRST.
* Bring margin between you and debt.
* Pay off debt quickly and to save for the future.


Financial Peace

Today we are going to talk about… Well let’s see if you can figure out what I am talking about…

Obligation, liability, unsettled score, due, credit, deficit, loan, encumbrance, mortgaged, billed, committed, note, charged, claim, responsibility, payday advance, insufficient funds, default, delinquent, in hock, in the red, leased, pawned, poverty, baggage, beholden, below the line, borrowed, breach, cuffed,