Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

1st Century Church 21st Century World 1 – All about Jesus

January 09, 2017

We want to be a 1st Century Church and connect with a 21st Century World.
The 1st Century Church was ALL ABOUT JESUS!
When we look in the book of Acts we find a very alive Jesus. Jesus is active in every chapter of the book of Acts. Jesus heals, delivers, saves, speaks.. Jesus should be just as alive and active in our Churches today!
Jesus is the centerpiece of the 1st Century Church. Every sermon is about Him. He is the purpose. He is the reason for their passion. Everything in the word of God points to Jesus.  It is ALL AB OUT JESUS.
Is your life all about Jesus?

1st Century Church 21st Century World 1 – All about Jesus from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
1st Century Church connecting with a 21st Century World  Part 1: all about JESUS
Sermon notes by Pastor Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx
1st Century TITLE
Hello my name is Chris Fluitt. I serve as lead pastor here at Redemption Church. I want to invite all of our online listeners to come see us in person. We are a young exciting church in Plano Tx. Come meet us.
Welcome to week 1 of our new series.    We are so excited about this series.
Over over the next 6 weeks we are going to solidify the vision & Mission of Redemption Church. Along the way I want you to adopt your mission & vision that God has given you.
Please stick with this series as we share our heart, do some dreaming, and cast the vision that God has given us.
Let’s talk Mission vs Vision. Listen up because this is good information you can use in your life today. We throw out words like mission & vision without knowing their meaning.
1Mission = Purpose
All hospitals have a mission that is almost exact…  something like…
To bring health and healing to the community…
Same thing with schools…  To educate students and prepare them for the next stages in life.
All churches should have the same mission.  Jesus himself gave us a clear mission – the great commission! We will come back to this point later in this series.
Our Mission at Redemption Church   Say it with me.
2To declare the good news of Jesus and see others become followers of Christ.
This mission statement comes from 2 scriptures…
Mark 16:15 (NIV) …Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.
We are to declare the good news of Jesus!
Matthew 28:19 (NIV) Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…
The word disciple means ‘one who follows the teachings’  We are called to make disciples… that is to say… Followers of Christ.
This Mission is our Purpose.  Having a clear mission helps us make decisions around here.

* Should we help this lady who wants to share the gospel in Asia?

Does it fulfill our mission? Does it declare Jesus and lead others to follow?

* Should we spend a large amount of money of a laser light show so we have a cooler worship experience…

Does it fulfill our mission…  maybe not…  Our mission isn’t “to be a cool church.”  Don’t get me wrong… We aren’t setting out to be an uncool church or boring church…  We figure there is nothing more exciting than Knowing Jesus and making Him known…  We think a cool church preaches Jesus and sees people taking new steps in faith.

* Do we need to spend a few hundred dollars to upgrade our tech gear at Redemption?

Does that fulfill our mission?  Would it help us declare the good news?

* Should we hire someone to join our staff?

Is it the best way to help us accomplish our mission?
Not everything that comes our way should be our mission… 
Mission = Purpose.  Again our purpose is…