Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Hope for the Holidays 2 – Hope Speaks Up

December 17, 2016

The world is LOUD!
Evil is loud. Hatred is loud.
You don’t really need someone to tell you this, becuase loud things don’t need to be pointed out.
You don’t need me to tell you the world is a dangerous place.

* Terrorism is plenty loud enough. Murder and violence does not need to be pointed out.

You don’t need me to tell you that relationships are difficult and marriages are at risk of failure.

* This world’s back stabbing ways amongst friends is deafeningly loud.  I don’t need to read you statistics on divorce.

You don’t need me to tell you that you have a problem within you.

* Your fears are plenty loud. Your lack of peace is screaming. You have tried to do better only to fail, and maybe no one else sees it, but you definitely hear the gigantic THUD of your failed life change.

Loud things don’t need to be pointed out.
But there is something about Hope.  Hope is not loud. Hope speaks with a calm peaceful voice. Hope can easily be overlooked in the growing crescendo of a loud world. Hope needs to be pointed to us.
2000 years ago Hope spoke up when Christ was born. This hope still speaks today. This Christmas let’s point it out to this loud world.

Hope 4 the Holidays – Hope Speaks Up
Hope Bumper
Welcome to Redemption Church! We are young nondenominational church in Plano Texas. We believe Jesus is alive and well! We know God is willing able to change your life.  Before today is over we are going to spend time talking with God.
We are in the 2nd week of the HOPE FOR THE HOLIDAYS series.
Last week we told you hope shows up. H1 1this world needs HOPE.
Mary carried a hope within her that transformed the hopelessness around her.
I want to remind you…
H1 9There is hope
You need this hope in you
You need to be a source of hope
We are to carry Hope within us. We should be a source of hope to the world around us.
Today I want to tell you that H2 1Hope Speaks Up
This world is loud. Evil is loud. Hatred is loud. Devastation, death, and destruction are loud.
What I mean by this is, when something is loud it doesn’t need to be pointed out.
For example, when my wife Sarah and I have the foolish idea of going to a nice family dinner at a restaurant, and our children become loud, no one has to yell “hey your kids are being loud and they have also set a curtain on fire.” No one has to tell us they are loud, because loud things are obvious. Instead people give you those sideways glances, that say “hey buddy you might want to do something about the wrestling match between your 3 boys.”
H2 2Loud things don’t need to be pointed out.
You don’t need me to tell you the world is a dangerous place.
Terrorism is plenty loud enough. Murder and violence does not need to be pointed out.
You don’t need me to tell you that relationships are difficult and marriages are at risk of failure.
This world’s back stabbing ways amongst friends is deafeningly loud.  I don’t need to read you statistics on divorce.
You don’t need me to tell you that you have a problem within you.
Your fears are plenty loud. Your lack of peace is screaming. You have tried to do better only to fail, and maybe no one else sees it, but you definitely hear the gigantic THUD of your failed life change.
Loud things don’t need to be pointed out.
Car Crashes announce themselves not with a letter in the mail, but with a bang.  Bombs do not knock on the door, they explode and shake the earth.
This world, with all of its many problems, is very loud.
In the beginning God created a quite garden.
H2 3A Quiet Garden
It wasn’t loud in the Garden of Eden. It was a place of peace.  There were no reasons to scream. There were no bangs, crashes, and explosions.