Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Reboot 2 – Plan, Progress, Process, Persevere

November 18, 2016

You need a plan. A better life does not happen by accident. You need a plan. You need a plan that brings progress.
Do you have a plan? Is it working?
Do you despise the process? In a world that only appreciates a finished product, a life in process is often undervalued.
Can we stop judging each other over being in process? Truth told, we are all in process and will only find our finished selves when we see Jesus face to face. (1 John 3:2)
If we will persevere in a good plan we will one day receive the life we desire. (Galatians6:7-9)
Do Not Give Up!

Reboot 2 – Plan, Progress, Process, Persevere from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
Reboot 2 – Plan, Progress, Process, Persevere
Sermon notes by Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx
Reboot Bumper
Welcome back to the 2nd week of the Reboot series at Redemption Church. My name is Chris Fluitt and I welcome you.
R1 1Reboot
Before we dive into the word today we need to take time to realize that our nation went through a reboot this past week. There was of course a Presidential election, and don’t forget about the Senate & Congress and numerous state & city level elections.
There is a lot of unrest. Both presidential nominees had a historically high disapproval rating. So after this long drawn out negative campaign cycle many are left with a feeling of uncertainty, anger, or fear.
What should the Church of Jesus Christ do?  We should pray.
We pray for our leaders.  Even if we do not agree with their policies – We pray for them.  It is unbiblical to only pray for the officials you voted for… Christians should pray for all government leaders.  Our prayer should not be partisan.
Even leaders you don’t like… Even leaders you fear are corrupt… Even leaders who you think are jerks… Even leaders who fail and have flawed policy…  I remind you that the Bible commands us to pray not just for our friends but for our enemies as well. This is not a suggestion, but a command.
So I want you to join me in praying for President elect Trump and the rest of our current and coming government. We are going to pray for their hearts and minds.  We are going to pray that God would lead them. We are going to pray that God would convict them of sin and lead them to live in righteousness. We are going to pray that America would be a Godly nation and that God would receive honor in our nation.
Let’s also pray that the Church of Jesus Christ would make a difference in this world. That we would be a light to the world. That we would be about the Father’s business and not caught up in political games.
I invite you to continue to pray for our national leaders daily.
Last week we talked about the System Errors that happen in our life.  We talked about the trajectory of our life and how it shows us our future. If we don’t bring a corrective change into our life then we will continue down the path of our trajectory.
We talked about Jesus as a Restore Point. If you missed the first week of the series I would love for you to check it out. That can be done on our website, through podcasts, or numerous video sites like YouTube, Vimeo or Dailymotion.
Today I want to talk to you about your plan.
Do you have a plan?  Your life needs a plan.  When you are looking to reboot your life you need to have a plan in place.  There are areas of your life you want to restart, but do you have a plan.
We often have a spoken plan but we live a different default.
One day I plan to own a house (spoken plan) but I have never even started to save for a down payment (a different default).
I plan to be in great shape or crazy wealthy and successful (spoken plan) but I don’t work out because all I do is binge watch Netflix… and I am in d...