Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Fear 4 – Fear is Frantic

October 29, 2016

Fear is Frantic. It is chaotic, wild, disorienting, distraught, hurried.. We are never at our best when we are under the control of fear. The simplest things become impossible when Fear is calling the shots.
Fear seems unstoppable, all-powerful, and inevitable, but God never intended us to experience fear. The Word of God clearly says that God has not given us a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7).
When we look at fear from a scriptural perspective, we see that fear is disadvantaged and destined to fail.
-Fear is conditional, but God is unconditional
-Fear is lack, but God fill to capacity
-Fear is punichment, but Christ has not come to punish

Fear 4 – Fear is Frantic from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
Fear 4 Fight Frantic Fear
Sermon notes by Pastor Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx
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Welcome to Redemption Church. We are not a mega church, but we are mighty Church. We aren’t scared of anything, even Cotton!  If you’re ever in Plano Tx please come worship with  us.
My name is Chris Fluitt. I am lead pastor here at Redemption. We are thankful for you.
1 Fear title
Last week we talked to you about the table the Lord your shepherd has prepared for you. It is time that we no longer allow an enemy called fear to have seat at the table. Instead let’s invite the one who prepared to table to have a place the place of honor at the table.
In this 4th week I want you to imagine with me… The damsel is running for her life. All she can think about is getting away from the demonically possessed children’s doll.  She is so focused on trying to get away that she doesn’t see the exposed tree root and trips, falling to the ground and twisting her ankle, knee, or pinky toe.
So focused on the get-away, the injured girl does not notice places to hide or potential objects that could be used as weapons.
She loses all bearing in her escape attempt and gets lost. Her only locational frame of reference is, she is here and angry killer toy is here.
She makes it to her car, but she is so frantic that she has trouble getting her keys from her pocket. Her keys once loosed somehow end up on the ground. She searches on hands and knees in the dark. She finds them and stands up. Her hands tremble as she tries to get the right key… She bumbles trying to get the key inserted. It becomes impossible to get the key into the slot…
If you have seen this movie before, you are coming unglued.  You are yelling at the screen.  You have leaned up in your seat and start to feel the anxiousness of the moment. Your muscles tighten as you try to somehow help the doomed lady. You may be yelling words of encouragement… “Come on!  Hurry!”
Today I want to tell you that F4 1Fear is Frantic
Fear is wild, hurried, chaotic, distraught, full of anxiety and emotion.
Fear is a performance diminishing drug. Fear never enhances you.
Your nerves become overstimulated.
Your blood pressure and heart rate go up.
Your health is never good with fear. You won’t heal as fast, you will develop an ulcer… Fear can take years off your life.
Your relationships are not improved.
You never communicate well when you are afraid.
Your decision making is not improved with fear.
Your thoughts are jumbled and irrational.
Sometimes because of the diminishing effects of fear you will try too hard.
Sometimes fear will cause people to completely shut down.
Frantic fear has us falling apart!  Like the woman couldn’t get the keys into the car door… fear causes us to have trouble doing the simplest things.
You do not want fear around because he makes everything worse. Fear never enhances. Fear diminishes.
If you choose to let fear hang around your life then you are choosing a diminished life.