Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Fear 3 – Prepared Table and an Uninvited Guest

October 20, 2016

Fear shows up when it wants. Fear does what it wants.
Imagine with me.. You are held up in a room. The house is secured. The doors and windows boarded up. Everyone has their weapons. People stationed strategically to secure the place.  But the zombies, the creature, the killer gets in anyway.
Have you seen that movie?
Fear always manages to call the shots. Fear is always able to slip inside. Even when we plan against it, it seems to outwit us.  Fear even defeats logic. We are often afraid of illogical things that don’t even make sense.
The number of things we could be afraid of are unlimited. The number of ways fear could affect our lives is unlimited. Fear appears stronger than us. Fear appears faster than us. Fear appears smarter than us.
But there is good news! The Lord prepares a table.
Psalm 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.(NIV)
Fear tries to have a seat at the table, but the Table was prepared FOR YOU. It is time to remove fear from the table and invite someone else to sit.

Fear 3 – Prepared Table and an Uninvited Guest from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
Fear 3 Uninvited Guest
Sermon notes by Pastor Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx
Help Bumper3
Don’t be afraid!  You are at Redemption Church in Plano Tx! We are a fun loving church in Plano Tx.
My name is Chris Fluitt. I am lead pastor here at Redemption. I am glad to have fellowship with you.
1 Fear title
We are in the 3rd week of our fear series.
Last week we told you that Fear is conditional.
Fear needs the right conditions
Imagine with me.. You are held up in a room. The house is secured. The doors and windows boarded up. Everyone has their weapons. People stationed strategically to secure the place.  But the zombies, the creature, the killer gets in anyway.
Have you seen that movie?
F3 1Fear shows up when it wants. Fear does what it wants.
{Fear enters}
Fear always manages to call the shots. Fear is always able to slip inside. Even when we plan against it, it seems to outwit us.  Fear even defeats logic. We are often afraid of illogical things that don’t even make sense.
The number of things we could be afraid of are unlimited. The number of ways fear could affect our lives is unlimited.
Fear appears stronger than us. Fear appears faster than us. Fear appears smarter than us.
Fear has been around so long we can’t imagine him not being there.  Fear always has access. He pushes his way into everything. He messes up everything.
Fear acts like it belongs in your life.
So we have this enemy called fear around.. Does the Bible give us any hope?
Psalm 23:5 You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies. You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows.(NIV)
The Lord prepares a table
You know this scripture right? It is an amazing blessing that the Lord your shepherd, the Lord your provider, prepares a table. God always has a way of giving us everything we need.
{Fear sits at table}
Wait a second…
Fear just acts like he owns the place.
When a new job opportunity comes along… You ought to be feeling hope, but fear comes and takes a seat.
When you have a new relationship… You ought to feel happy and joyful, but fear comes and starts telling you things… “You are going to mess this up again. You will never be happy.”
Instead of focusing on your accomplishments and victories, fear stares at you from its seat at the table and reminds you of all the terrible things that could happen.
Fear reminds you about those people that don’t like you.
Fear reminds you that your life should have progressed past this current point.