Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

God Loves Us With The Heart Of A Father

September 02, 2016

God loves His Kids
If there is one way that Youth Pastor Scott Fane feels like he is similar to the Lord, it is in his love for his kids. Though they can be difficult sometimes, he loves them fiercely. You are God’s children and he loves you in spite of anything you do or can’t do.
You are His Kid

God Loves Us With The Heart Of A Father from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
God Loves Us With The Heart Of A Father
Sermon notes by Scott Fane
Redemption Church Plano Tx
Good afternoon and thank you for coming to church today.  If you don’t know me, my name is Scott Fane and I am a Pastor at Redemption Church.  Due to my gifting, I work with young people both in our Treehouse program and GOAL which is our student ministry.  I have served in this capacity for many years at Redemption Church.  I also volunteered with children at Southwest Christian Church throughout my youth.  Many of the 4-5 year olds that I taught there are now getting married, including one that I am going to have the pleasure of officiating in November.  Time flies when you are having fun.  I am also a dad.  Today, I am going to talk about my kids more than I think that I ever have in a professional capacity and want to lay some ground rules.

* I am not God’s gift to parenting. I don’t know what I am doing most of the time and am convinced that those that act like they do are just “acting”
* Two of my children have special needs that I will discuss a bit today. I don’t do this to use them to tug at your heartstrings or anything like that.  Today, we are discussing God’s care for us and as I unpack it, you will understand why it is applicable.
* I am not attempting to gain pity or promote myself as credible, simply because at times, things are tragic. It is my belief that as time progresses, that our situation will continue to improve and that if you end up watching this archived or something, some of the things I discuss may have gotten better.

So, now that that has been said….I am a dad.
I never wanted to have kids.  I didn’t think that I would be a great dad as I regularly deal with issues when processing anxiety and anger.  My wife and I used birth control for the entirety of our marriage and all three of our surprises came anyway.  You can rarely ever afford children with how much they cost to raise and care for.
When Ian was born, I was so afraid and didn’t know what would happen.  He was a handful, but quickly became my favorite thing.  When we found out that we were pregnant again, it was a shock, but 1 was going ok, so we embraced Maxim and my favorite thing grew into my favorite things.  At 2 or so, we started to notice little things that separated Ian from his peers and one famously remembered night, I came home to my wife and she was crying on the floor.  She looked up at me and said “I think that there is something wrong with Ian.”  We continued to keep our eyes open about these things, got Ian into Early Childhood Intervention, but moved on business as usual.  At three, Ian was diagnosed as autistic and no one was surprised.  Maxim had many of the same tendencies Ian had, but we held off on diagnosing him in case they were learned behaviors, but sure enough, Max has an even more severe case of the disability.  When Jacqueline got sick, I joked that maybe she was pregnant.  This would be impossible because we had 600$ implanted birth control.  But in spite of my efforts, Jono was born almost two years ago.  We were so afraid of Jono.  Our first fear was what if Jono had autism?  Being a boy and with our family history, odds were against him.  Then when those fears seemed unwarranted we quickly shifted to “What would it be like to parent a “normal” kid?