Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Hacked – Bad Code

August 20, 2016

“You’ve been hacked” terrible words to hear for anyone living in the 21st century. A hacker found an opening and inserted malicious code. The Bible tells a similar story involving sin.
We have been hacked by a malicious code. Here are some things about our broken code.

This code hides within us.

This code is hard to scrub clean.

This code replicates itself.

This code messes up everything.

This presents an overwhelming challenge. It is clear we cannot fix ourselves. It is clear we need someone..

We need someone who sees our sin.

We need someone who can clean our sin.

We need someone who can restore us.

Jesus is the only one to offer freedom from the code of sin.

Hacked – Bad Code from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
Hacked – Bad Code
Sermon notes by Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx
Welcome to Redemption Church. We are here in North Dallas, in the great city of Plano Tx. We wish everyone watching us on the internet was with us here in this room. To you in the room!  I am so glad you are here.
Please get your Bibles out and turn to James 2:10. If you don’t have a book with pages then fill free to get out your smartphone and open up a bible app or simply google the scripture passage. Our scripture is James 2:10.
We do 3 things every time we gather together. We have already worshipped together. We are about to receive the Word together. And last, but never least, we will spend time talking to God together. We want everyone to spend some time in prayer.
James 2:10 For whoever keeps the whole law and yet stumbles at just one point is guilty of breaking all of it.(NIV)
God still talks. He talks in ways we don’t always expect. He will often use the physical situations around us to speak to our spiritual condition.
Early this summer, Dwight walked up to me after a service and said…
You’ve been hacked
“Excuse me?  Was the sermon that bad?”  – No the Redemption website has been hacked.  There were inappropriate things showing up. It was greatly embarrassing, alarming, and overwhelming.
Computers are difficult enough.. but when you add the complexity of servers, hosting, html code, protocols, uniform resource locators and so much more… it is overwhelming. We had been hacked.
I immediately started researching how this happened and how to fix it.  I called my hosting company looking for answers. (Please don’t glaze over as I mention technical jargon.) They said..
Locate the bad code
So they ran a scan and they came up with a list of infected files. The list was long…
Scrub the bad code
So I said “Ok! How do I do that?”  They told me to open the first file on the list. It was code. Just letters, numbers, dots, and symbols.. The code went on and on for pages and somewhere within this code was something bad.
You have to get rid of all of it or else…
The worst news was this. If I cleaned all the code but missed one instance – it would all come back. Hackers are evil!  That sent my head spinning. I spent hours trying to figure out where the bad code was on a single file. I was unsure I ever really found it. It became painfully obvious to me that I could not clean all this code on my own. I needed help.
I called on someone who knew the code and could clean it
We hired a professional company to scan through all these files, locate malicious code, and to scrub it.
I got off the phone with this company, knowing they would look at the website and try to save it, and I sat down and started to pray.
“Lord please let them clean every virus and remove this evil code.”
Then I heard the Lord say “Let me talk to you about your code.”