Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Unexpected 7 – A God who overcomes our expectations

August 06, 2016

People often receive what they expect. Our expectations have a lot to do with how we receive information… how we receive situations… how we receive people.
In 1 Kings 17 the prophet Elijah interacts with a woman who had some terrible expectations. She expected to have one final meal with her son, and then they would die. (seriously!)
Even though God had sent her a prophet… Even though she saw a miracle… Even though she herself heard the command of God.. Her expectations hindered the progress God offered.
Right now your expectations are effecting how you perceive, receive, & believe.
Are you ready for your expectations to change?
-Faith filled obedience changes your expectations
-Our expectations are often faulty
-Coming through trouble changes your expectations

Unexpected 7 – A God who overcomes our expectations from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
Unexpected 7 – A God who overcomes your expectations
Sermon notes by Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx
**Vid bumper – Unexpected
Welcome to Redemption Church. We are a mighty church in Plano Tx. My name is Chris Fluitt and I am one happy dude. The Lord has put happiness in my heart.  My smile is legit it is not a put on.  The troubles in my life are no match for the Joy of the Lord that is my strength. I am loved by God. I am loved by my family. I am loved by my friends. I am so happy.
I pray that you encounter God’s joy today.
Rather than review any past sermons I invite you to check out past sermons on our website –
Have you ever noticed that expectations usually come true?
Recently I heard outcry from the memorial service of the 5 fallen police officers in Dallas Tx. Current President Barrack Obama and former President George W. Bush both spoke at the memorial. Social media was a buzz over the speeches. I noticed something in the response of the people…  (This is just my perception…)
People seemed to get what they expected out of their speeches.
If you were a blue Democrat it seemed like you really loved President Obama’s Speech. “It is about time we had that kind of eloquence in the white house.”
If you were a red Republican it seemed like you were less than thrilled with the same speech. “How does the president think gun control is an appropriate topic at a memorial?”
If you were a red Republican it seemed like you were glowing from George W.’s speech. “I miss that kind of sincerity in the white house.”
If you were a blue Democrat it seemed like you were less than impressed.  “What in the world was George doing dancing with Michelle Obama as they played ‘His truth is marching on.’ What was He thinking!?”
How can there be such a divide over the same speech? I offer you the thought that people seem to receive what they expect.  Our expectations have a lot to do with how we receive information… how we receive situations… how we receive people.
People receive what they expect
I am saying that the expectation of the listener greatly effected their opinion of the speech. This becomes all the more dangerous as we divide our nation into red & blue states. It seems in the current political climate we can’t even listen to each other because we have already pre-judged based on our expectation.  This is dangerous. We should cut that out.
You may have a preconceived expectation that will effect this moment. I could be described as a white Christian pastor from Texas. Some of you might say… “Oh man this is a pastor, he is a man of God and I can’t wait to hear what he has to say.”  Others might say… “I bet this guy robs the church blind and never pays his taxes. We will probably hear some scandal about it later…”
Before I say a word, your expectation has a lot to do with the success or failure of this serm...