Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Unexpected 6 – Unexpected Servant

July 29, 2016

Jesus stopped everything to be an unexpected servant.
Right in the middle of the last supper he stood up and positioned himself at the feet of the disciples and began to wash their feet.
Something was left undone and the servant Jesus Christ went to work.
Aren’t we called to do the same? We are called to be unexpected servants in this world.  So when was the last time we served? Are we leaving something left undone?

Unexpected 6 – Unexpected Servant from Redemption Church on Vimeo.

Unexpected 6 – Unexpected Servant
Sermon notes by Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx
**Vid bumper – Unexpected
Welcome to Redemption Church. We are very glad to have you here with us. If you are receiving this message over the internet, we welcome you as well. We want you to know that God desires to do amazing things in your life.
Jesus is unexpected. Do you agree? His message is unexpected. His power is unexpected. What He does in our lives is unexpected. His forgiveness and love is unexpected.
About the worst the you can do around Jesus is to sit back and act like you know what He is going to do, what He is going to say, and how He is going to do it.
Don’t come into His house today and think you have it all figured out. Be open to the possibility of the unexpected.
Before he could…
Before He could be lowered into the darkness of hell.
Before He could be buried in a tomb.
Before He could breathe His last.
Before He could take on the sin of all humanity. (An often overlooked punishment and pain that He endured)
Before He was stabbed in the side, wore the crown of thorns, or had his hands and feet nailed to the cross.
Before He carried the cross to Calvary as He was mocked and spit upon.
Before He was beaten by Roman soldiers with a cat of nine tails whip.
Before He was given 3 different fraudulent trials where no one spoke on His defense.
Before He received a kiss from a traitor named Judas. Sold for 30 pieces of silver..
Before He sweated blood under the strain of praying about the oncoming cup of sin – only to bow His will to the Father.
Before all His disciples fell asleep leaving him isolated in a time of need.
Before He offered His Body the bread and His Blood the wine.
Before He had one final meal with His beloved disciples.. One final opportunity to share His love..
Before any of that could begin, something halted the proceedings.  Something was left undone..
John 13:1 It was just before the Passover Feast. Jesus knew that the time had come for him to leave this world and go to the Father. Having loved his own who were in the world, he now showed them the full extent of his love.(NIV)
John 13:2 The evening meal was being served…(NIV)
John 13:4 so he got up from the meal, took off his outer clothing, and wrapped a towel around his waist.(NIV)
John 13:5 After that, he poured water into a basin and began to wash his disciples’ feet, drying them with the towel that was wrapped around him.(NIV)
John 13:12 When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them.(NIV)
Do we understand what Jesus did here?
With so much that needed to be done.. The cross, the work of salvation, the betrayal.. All the proceedings had to stop to take care of something left undone.
Foot washing was a necessary function of the ancient world. They walked on dusty, dirty, and manure filled streets. When coming into a house they would surely have a place to clean your feet. When coming into a very special occasion they would...