Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Unexpected 2 – Unexpected Power

July 01, 2016

You know that part of every super hero origin story where they unexpectedly discover their power? Their is something relatable about that.
It is very rewarding to see someone step into a power they never expected.
Parents come unglued when their kids achieve at the smallest levels of tee-ball. We smile when someone amazes us unexpectedly on America’s Got Talent. We rejoice when someone comes in contact with Jesus and kicks a drug habit.
God the source of all power has offered to give us His power. His immeasurable power can be at work within you.
Does that sound like something you want? If so.. get ready.

Unexpected 2 – Unexpected Power from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
Unexpected 2 – Unexpected Power
Sermon notes by Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx
**Vid bumper – Unexpected Power
How cool was that.  A big thank you to the Aqua Shop at the Willow Bend mall.  How unexpected is it that you could go surfing in Plano Tx!?
All I told Sean Enfield was to come to the mall after he was done with work and bring a swim suit.  Everything else was unexpected for him.  Little did Sean know that he held within himself the unexpected an unexpected power – to hang 10.
Last week on Father’s Day we told you about unexpected callings.
Today we are going to tell you about unexpected Power
Now most of us love super hero movies right!?  They are more popular than ever.
My favorite part of a super hero movie is when they just get the power. It often comes unexpectedly.  Maybe the go to pick something heavy and are surprised when they lift it with ease. I remember when Peter Parker (spoiler alert – He’s Spider Man) catches Mary Jane in one hand and also her tray of food that was flying through the air. He reacts so quick, catching the milk, the apple, the sandwich and the look in his eyes say “did I just do that!?”
There is something joyful about seeing someone step into a power they never expected.
When our good friend Sean was able to stay on that surfboard I was really pumped. Weren’t you pumped?
When our kids achieve we come unglued.  It could be our young children getting a hit in tee-ball or reading a sentence out loud.. There is something in us that acts like they just won the NBA finals.
When you see someone come into contact with Jesus and they find the power to kick an addiction, the power to be a new born again creature, the power to big things for others… We rejoice in that!
No matter how often you have seen someone step into that power, it never gets old or boring.  Although it happens so regularly that it ought to be expected..  The way it happens, the way God works, and the excited look on there face… there is always an unexpected element.
Some of you have been praying for loved ones and friends to step into that power.  You try to imagine the moment it happens and how you are going to feel and what you are going to say. YOU HAVE NO IDEA!  The joy in that moment is going to be better than you imagined.  The excitement.. the depth of emotion.. it is going to be better than you expected.
Jesus Promised It
Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”(NIV)
Jesus doesn’t just promise you a new life.. He gives you the power to live that new life.
Jesus doesn’t just tell you to be a witness.. He gives you the power to be that witness.
He promises power. He provides power.
One of the biggest bummers you can have opening birthday presents or Christmas presents is to open a really cool gift, a lightsaber,