Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Best Thing Ever 5 – God Exists

April 29, 2016

Every good and perfect gift comes from God!  God gives the best things ever! So many things that this sermon series could go on forever…
But let’s take a step back from the great gifts to talk about the giver.  The fact that there is such a good generous God.. is the Best Thing Ever.
God exists and that is the best thing ever
But how do you know God is real?  That is something you need to come to grips with. You need to weigh the information and come to a decision.  In this sermon we look at the Cosmological, Teleological, & the Ontological information that is around us and within us to proclaim that God exists and is absolutely worth searching for.

Best Thing Ever 5 – God Exists from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
Best thing Ever 6 – God Exists
Sermon notes by Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx
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You are at Redemption Church in Plano, Tx.  My name is Chris Fluitt and I am glad to have you with us. Internet people, thank you for reaching out to us this week.  We received your comments on youtube as well as our anonymous text line.  It was so encouraging to hear from you.  Reminder – our anonymous text line is 214 856 0550.  Ask us questions or just say hi.
Let’s look at our Scripture memory verse for this month.
James 1:17 Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.(NIV)
James 1:18 He chose to give us birth through the word of truth, that we might be a kind of firstfruits of all he created.(NIV)
What an incredible claim this is.  It does not say SOME GOOD GIFTS… MOST GOOD GIFTS… it says EVERY GOOD & PERFECT GIFT comes from God!  There are no tricky qualifiers.. there is no fine print like… offer only available in Hoboken, New Jersey… during a solar eclipse… on Fridays… that occur on leap day… and coinciding with A Cubs World Series Championship.
It simply says everything.
It doesn’t even say – For Christians only… for republicans or democrats only, for Americans only..
God gives us every Good & Perfect Gift.  He gives to all. And gives constantly.
We have been talking about some of the Best things that God gives us in this series, Best Thing Ever…
Best Thing Ever
All this awesome things God has given us…

* On our good Friday service we said God gave us the BEST FRIEND EVER
* On Easter Sunday we said the Resurrection was the Best Thing
* Forgiveness, repentance, & Baptism are Best things
* Last week we studied the Holy Spirit as the Best Thing

We certainly have not run out of things to declare BEST from God. After all.. every Good & Perfect gift comes from Him.. But today let’s kind of go back to step 1… building block A..
The fact that such a good generous God exists.. It is the Best Thing Ever.
God’s Exists and it is the best thing ever!
Are you thankful that God exists!?  You ought to be.  I am Glad that God is my God… but before that I so blown away that there is a God who would ever accept me, love me, bless me, keep me, heal me, forgive me, restore me, empower me, call me, never forget me, never forsake me.
Does anyone think that such a God is the Best Thing Ever.
But how do you know God exists?
This is more than a fair question.  It is an honest question and we are going to take some time to dive into it.  With a subject like this we could never be exhaustive… If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out to us… Text Line Hint Hint 214 856 0550
I have 3 big words.  Do not be afraid of these words or turn your brain off. Here are the 3 words…
Cosmological, Teleological, Ontological