Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Best Thing Ever 3 – SEX

April 11, 2016

WOAH! Are you series!?  Are they really going to talk about Sex in Church!?
Absolutely.  The Bible has plenty to say about the subject.  We feel safe in saying…
Sex is the Best Thing Ever!
God created sex as a blessing. Sex is fun. Sex is enjoyable.  God created it that way!
In sex there is the highest level of intimacy between 2 people.  Scripture says that 2 become 1 flesh. In this way (and others) Sex is the Best Thing Ever between 2 people.
BUT sex can be misused.  There is a laundry list a bad uses for sex.  Rape, Prostitution, Sexual Addiction… just to name a few.
This Best thing that God gave was intended to be the culmination of a covenant relationship between a man & a woman.
So for married couples, living in a love covenant relationship… if it is the best thing ever… THEN YOU OUGHT TO BE HAVING IT.

Best Thing Ever 3 – SEX from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
Best thing Ever 4 – Sex
Sermon notes by Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx
Vid Bumper 3
My name is Chris Fluitt and I want to welcome you to Redemption Church. Not a mega church, but a mighty church in Plano Tx.
Best Thing Ever
We are in the 3rd week of the Best thing ever series.. I invite you to check out the previous sermons on the Resurrection & Forgiveness on our website.
We really have something serious to talk about today.  It is a subject that could be deemed awkward. There may be some that think we shouldn’t talk about this subject at church.
The subject of course is…
1 Sex
I want you to know that there is no life subject that is inappropriate for church.  The church should never abdicate their role of presenting truth. We should not leave people to discuss subjects in other venues because we are too afraid to speak.
So do not be afraid of this topic. We are going to look to the word of God and then spend some time talking to God before we are all said and done today.
I knew about 1 year ago that I would eventually preach this sermon.  I was on facebook look at grumpy cat memes when all of a sudden…
2 Facebook Post
This is not someone that any of you know… It is someone I know through a friend on facebook.  As you can read their post is about sex…  Their post is about religion or church…
It reads…
Sex is beautiful.
Sex is not bad.
Sex is natural.
Why is sex such a word we see and run from!? Can we please talk about this more… We all have questions, I know I have a million.
I’ve been so conditioned growing up to see sex as shameful by society, religion, and family thus resulting in me not ever wanting to be in a partnership and that is so not my true self. So I’ve got a mission. There is beauty in sex. I’ve got to learn that.
I cannot process all that is in my head right now…
I’m overwhelmed.
Ps. I didn’t have sex so chill out all you judgmental folks…
So when I read this post there were a number of things that jumped out at me.  Maybe they jumped out at you also…

* They are not wrong in Sex being beautiful, not bad, natural..
* They are not wrong in sensing the shamefulness about sex from religion..
* They desperately wanted to talk about it… they knew the church wouldn’t talk about it… so they went elsewhere to talk about it.. Can we please talk about this more… the post says.

So we are going to do just that today. We are going to talk about it. In fact I will go ahead and declare…
3 Sex* is the Best thing Ever