Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Best Thing Ever 1 – Resurrection

March 30, 2016

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the best thing ever.
A dead Jesus hanging on a cross.. They take his body and put in a grave.. In that moment it was the WORST THING EVER.
The people who loved Him. Those that believed He was the messiah the prophets told us would come. The disciples who left their lives behind to follow.  They all thought it was over.  It could not get worse.
A dead Jesus makes life worse. A resurrected Jesus makes life better.
When Jesus rose from the dead on the 3rd day it meant that everything He said was true. It meant that there was still hope.  It also meant that we too could rise from the dead and have everlasting life.
A resurrected Jesus makes life better...  But Jesus did not come to make life marginally better.  He came to give us THE BEST.
The Resurrection is the BEST THING EVER. If you have not received Him, you are really missing out.
Best Thing Ever 1 - Resurrection from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
Best thing Ever 1 – Resurrection
Sermon notes by Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx
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The Quest for Better
We are always looking for better.. the latest and greatest. We see things that are newer, faster, prettier, the latest style and we want them.
You are itching to buy that new smart phone.. not because your current one is broken but because the newer model is better.
We are looking a better job… a promotion or raise at work because it would mean better money & authority.
Even when we love where we live we still daydream of a better place to live or improvements to make our current house better.
New cars, new clothes, new usually means better.
We are addicted to better…  We just gotta have it.
Today and for the next 4 weeks we are going to talk about the quest for better.  Often we are searching for Better when God is standing by willing to give us THE BEST.
Resurrection Sunday
I want to welcome you to Redemption Church. My name is Chris Fluitt and I serve as lead pastor here. Happy Resurrection Sunday!  I hope everyone is having a great Easter. We are honored to have you join us today.
When Jesus Died…
When Jesus breathed His last on the cross, it was as if Hope itself had breathed its last breath.  The teachings of the man Jesus had turned the nation of Israel on its head.  There was such power, understanding, and revelation in His words.  But that was now only a memory of a once great man.  The man did things no one else had ever seen done. He healed the blind and the leper and even raised the dead.  But for some reason He did not heal himself. They were certain that Jesus would be the King of Israel that would overthrow evil and fulfill the prophecies. But what they saw happen to Him… He was murdered as a common thief… He was not held as a King.
When Christ died and was buried in the tomb it seemed like the WORST THING EVER.
Jesus was supposed to make things better, but this just seemed worst.  I imagine that some of His followers said to themselves “I wish I had never met Him… I wish I had just kept mended my fishing nets when He said ‘follow me.’  The last 3 and half years are nothing but a bad memory.”
In Luke 24 2 such disciples were talking on the road… They said this of Jesus
Luke 24:19 "He was a prophet, powerful in word and deed before God and all the people. (NIV)
Luke 24:20 The chief priests and our rulers handed him over to be sentenced to death, and they crucified him;(NIV)
Luke 24:21 but we had hoped that he was the one who was going to redeem Israel. And what is more, it is the third day since all this took place.(NIV)
He was a prophet…  they had hoped…  At this moment the death of Jesus was the worst thing ever.  …But the Resurrection changed everything.  The resurrection changed the Worst thing ever to become the Best thing ever.