Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Leader Slip 3 – Wise Counsel

March 21, 2016

Everyone is called to be a leader, a positive influence in the world. To answer that call is Leadership. To not answer the call is Leader Slip.
Rehoboam should have been a great leader for Israel. He had a impressive family, he had the position of King, he was the leader of a strong & wealthy nation. He had it made!
But King Rehoboam had Leader Slip. He rejected Wise Counsel.
A good leader must receive wise counsel. We must recognize wisdom and embrace truth. Rehoboam's decision to reject wisdom deemed his reign a failure before it even started.
There are 3 continual stages that we all experience
1 Know
2 Grow
3 Show
What stage are you in?
Leader Slip 3 - Wise Counsel from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
Leader Slip 3 – Wise Counsel
Sermon notes by Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano
**Vid bumper
Hello Redemption Church!
Happy Palm Sunday everyone. Today is remembered as the day of Jesus’ triumphant entry into Jerusalem. They cried Hosanna!  Hosanna holds 2 meanings. #1 it means The savior has arrived.  #2 Save us.  We cry Hosanna today because the Savior has arrived and because we invite Him to save us.
Next Sunday is Resurrection Sunday. I want to invite you to celebrate the risen Lord with us.
Leader Slip
We are in the final week of our Leader Slip series.
Quick review
Influence Leadership is influence. 
Leadership Calling Everyone is called to be a leader in some area of life. You are called to be a positive influence.  
Week 1 We talked about Jonah’s Leader Slip.  He focused on the wrong things
Week 2 We talked King Saul. He was called but he was not present.
Today in the final week of Leader Slip we are going to talk about someone in your Bible you might not really be that familiar with.  If you have been in church all your life you have probably heard his name but are still a little foggy on his story.
His name is Rehoboam and His story is important.   (Go ahead and turn to 1 Kings 11. We will be doing some reading today)
Rehoboam is a King of Israel and he should have been a great leader. He came from a line of great leaders. His father was the wise King Solomon. His Grand Father the brave King David. How is that for pedigree!
During King David’s rule, Israel had some very threatening rival nations. Israel overcame and defeated those enemies. David handed a victorious & promising nation to his son King Solomon.
During King Solomon’s reign Israel grew into a world power. Solomon was known as the wisest man to have ever lived. Israel built the Temple of God and it was known as a wonder of the world. Israel was wealthy, strong & distinguished. Unlike David’s rule, Solomon faced very few enemies. The enemies Israel had were so much smaller than the armies of the Philistines that King David faced and defeated. Solomon was not perfect and had some issues, but growing Israel to prominence was not one of those issues.
King Solomon handed this power, this wealth, this dominance over to his son Rehoboam. Rehoboam had it made. He came from a lineage of great kings. He had examples of great leadership in his family tree. He was surely going to build on the success of David & Solomon. With no powerful rivals present, Rehoboam was positioned to have greater success than any king of Israel.
Today we ought to be proclaiming the leadership success of the great King of Israel Rehoboam.  But we aren’t… because Rehoboam had Leader Slip.
Rehoboam rejected Wise Counsel
1 Kings 11:43 Then Solomon rested with his fathers and was buried in the city of David his father. And Rehoboam his son succeeded him as king.(NIV)
1 Kings 12:1 Rehoboam went to Shechem, for all the Israelites had gone there to make him king.(NIV)
So we see Rehoboam has just become king and is about to be crowned in the city of Sh...