Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Leader Slip 3 Called but not Present

March 17, 2016

We are in the 2nd week of our Leader Slip series.
Leadership is influence
Everyone is called to be a leader, but many do not answer that call
King Saul has some amazing stats.  Hand picked by God, the most handsome, the tallest, strong... All this leads to him being the 1st King of Israel. Given these impressive stats, we ought to be celebrating the reign of King Saul... but we aren't. Saul's reign was a failure. A disaster. King Saul had a Leader Slip.
Saul was CALLED but not PRESENT. 
When a giant named Goliath stood against the nation of Israel, Saul refused to be on the battlefield. Saul refused to make a decision although something definitely needed to be done. Saul was not present.. he hid in his tent.
There are areas of your life that you are called to lead. Are you present?  Are you hiding in a tent like Saul?
Leader Slip 3 Called but not Present from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
Leader Slip 2 – Called but not present
Sermon notes by Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Texas
**Vid bumper
Welcome to Redemption Church. We aren’t mega, but we are mighty through God. My name is Chris Fluitt. I am blessed to serve as Lead Pastor.
Last week we told you that Leadership is Influence.
We told you that everyone is called to be a leader. To use their influence for good.
Everyone is called to be a leader but many do not answer that call.  Falling short of your leadership purpose is what we call Leader Slip.
Last week we talked about Jonah and how he should have been a great leader.  His leader slip was his Focus.
We challenged you to focus on the thing that really matter in life.
This week we are going to talk about King Saul
The nation of Israel had asked for a King. And God found them a good king. (God thought… Better Call Saul)
Leadership asks a lot of us. There is a lot of responsibility involved. God found someone who was equipped to the task of leading this nation as it’s king.  In other words… God didn’t find someone who was really lame and called them to this important post.
Saul had a lot going for him.  He had been hand selected by God. God saw the ability to lead within this Guy.
Scripture says he was tall in stature. He was as handsome as anyone that could be found in Israel. He was strong physically & a good warrior.
He was from the smallest tribe, Benjamin, and it all made for an amazing story. A young man that took care of Donkeys became the 1st King of Israel. We always love stories like this.. rising up through the ranks to be a leader of people.
Today we should be celebrating the reign of the great king of Israel – Saul. …but we aren’t.
There is not much in King Saul’s reign to celebrate. We can find a few military battles that were won, but the rest of Saul’s reign was a disaster.
Saul had a Leader Slip.
Saul was called but not present
Leaders have to be present.
When we think about Leadership we often get sidetracked.. We often focus on…
Good looks/outward appearance
Charisma/ability to attract attention
Unique gifts and abilities
Impressive accomplishments
Do not be sidetracked!  None of these things make you a leader. They are by-products of… they are the effects of good leadership.
King Saul had all these things. The looks, the charisma, the gifting, the calling, the accomplishment…  God reached down and chose this donkey herder from the tribe of Benjamin.  Saul was called but was not present.
In 1 Samuel 17 we are told about a war involving the Philistines and the Israelites. Both armies encamped on opposite sides of the valley of Elah.
Instead of having an all-out war where the 2 armies kill each other and whoever is left standing wins, they decided to each choose a champion.