Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Leader Slip 1 – Focus

March 08, 2016

You are called to be a leader.  You are called to be an influencer of people.  You and everyone else is called to be a leader in at least some avenue of life.
But often we fall short of that calling.  Instead of showing Leadership we show Leader Slip.
Jonah should have been a much better leader.  His focus was a major Leader Slip.
It takes more than giftings and talents to be a leader. We must have a focus on the thing things that truly matter.
As a believer in Jesus Christ, we should all have a focus on winning souls to God.
Leader Slip 1 - Focus from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
Leader Slip 1 - Focus
Sermon notes by Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx
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What is Leadership?
Leadership can be hard to define. There are many leadership intangibles.  It can seem like a mysterious gift.
So right here let us give Leadership a simple definition.
Former pastor & leadership author John Maxwell says “Leadership is influence. Nothing more nothing less.”
Positive & negative influence lead our life.
We have had positive influence… I remember a piano teacher I had in College who completely changed my life with a single sentence. He was a leader to my life through positive influence.
We have had negative influence… I remember some people I choose not to describe… Part of who I am today is the negative influence I was witness to, and decided I WILL NOT BE LIKE THAT! I WON’T DO IT THAT WAY. There negative influence led me the other direction.
Now you may think that only certain people are leaders.  You may think that people are just born leaders.  You may also be certain that you are not one of those born to be a leader people.  YOU ARE WRONG!
Leadership Calling
Everyone is called to be a leader.  Everyone is called to be an influencer of people.
Because Leadership is INFLUENCE… You actually have to work at not being a leader, because people naturally INFLUENCE one another.
You are called to be an influence…
in your home
in your circle of friends
in your school or on the job
in your city.. in your neighborhood
in your church
This call is for EVERYONE! It is for you!
Ephesians 2:10 For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.(NIV)
If you don’t think you are called to be a leader than you are selling yourself short and don’t understand the Creator.  Everyone is called..
..But not everyone fulfills the call.
Leader Slip
Instead of walking into the Leadership God has purposed them for, many have a Leader Slip.
For the next weeks this will be our premise…
All our called
Anything that keeps us from fulfilling that call is a “slip.”
Your giftings & talents do not make you a leader. We can all think of talented people who are going nowhere in life for whatever reason. We may know people that have impressive skill but we would not put our trust in… they lake a positive influence. There is a slip from being everything they could be.
Over this Leader Slip series we are going to talk about people in your Bible who should have been much better leaders.  They slipped short of their leadership calling. This week we will talk about..
What do we know about Jonah. He was a Prophet of God. He had access to the power of God. He had a connection with the God of the Universe. God was opening doors for Jonah.  There is not one reason that Jonah should not have been a great leader.  Yet as we will see, Jonah had a Leader Slip.
Most of us would look at Jonah’s situation and feel that his situation had many advantages over our situations.
Jonah had the gifting, the opportunity, the position, the calling,