Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

First Love 2 – Lawyers, Loopholes, & Love

February 19, 2016

A Lawyer asked Jesus how to gain everlasting life. Jesus' answer may us. Love is key to receiving everlasting life.
On the cover this may seem easier than you expected. But the answer sent the Lawyer scrambling for a loophole.
Is there a loophole in your love?
Jesus shows us through the Parable of the Good Samaritan that Love has no Loophole.  We are to Love God and to Love our Neighbor.
Everlasting Life weighs in the balance.. and it worries the Lawyer mindset within us all.
First Love 2 - Lawyers, Loopholes, & Love from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
First Love 2 – Lawyers Loopholes & Love
Sermon notes by Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano Tx
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Welcome to Redemption Church. A body of believers that is striving to keep Love First.
My name is Chris Fluitt. I am blessed to serve as Lead Pastor here at Redemption.
To you here in the room I greet you. I am so glad you are here.
To you that are watching or listening on our podcast, website, or some social media venue like Facebook or Youtube, I greet you. I wish that you were here with us so I could greet you in person.  Take a moment to leave us a comment. We love to hear from you.
First Love
We are in the 2nd week of our First Love sermon series. Quick recap-
We talked about the intensity of falling in Love. When we first fall in love we give gifts of love, but as time goes on we may fall into the expectation trap. When we start acting from the expectation motivation instead of a love motivation it causes problems.
It robs us of receiving Love, giving love, and leads to deal keeping.
It is possible to forsake your love… your relationship in marriage, family, friends, even God.
If we are operating from some other motivation than love, we have lost our first love.
Today I want us to look at a well known passage of Scripture in Luke 10.  If you have your Bibles or a smart phone go ahead and look it up.
Today we will be studying..
Lawyers, Loopholes & Love
In Luke 10 Jesus has a meaningful conversation with a lawyer and gives a well known parable – The good Samaritan.
Luke 10:25 And then a certain lawyer arose to try (test, tempt) Him, saying, Teacher, what am I to do to inherit everlasting life [that is, to partake of eternal salvation in the Messiah's kingdom]?(AMP)
Luke wants us to know that someone acquainted with the Law is asking this question. A LAWYER. So let’s really focus on the mindset of a Lawyer.
If you bring a problem to a Lawyer, he or she will ask about the specifics.  “Did you sign anything? Did you make an agreement and to what did you agree?” The Lawyer will seek to know the rights and responsibilities of all parties involved.
And of course, a good Lawyer wants what is best for his client. I don’t know if you know this but Lawyers aren’t seeking to know the truth usually, they are trying to get the best result for the person they represent.
So who is the Lawyer representing in Luke 10:25?   HIMSELF!   “What am I to do to inherit everlasting life.”
The Lawyer asked the Lord, how can I have Everlasting Life…  The Lawyer has a vested interest in this outcome doesn’t he?
Luke 10:26 Jesus said to him, What is written in the Law? How do you read it?(AMP)
Jesus hits him with something he understands. Do you know what the law says?  Have your read the contract? Do you know what God’s Word says?
Luke 10:27 And he replied, You must love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind; and your neighbor as yourself.(AMP)
Luke 10:28 And Jesus said to him, You have answered correctly; do this, and you will live [enjoy active, blessed, endless life in the kingdom of God].(AMP)
The Lawyer had the right answer.