Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Lego Church 5 – Built with broken pieces

February 04, 2016

We don't like to build with broken Lego pieces, and we may be reluctant to connect with broken people.  But Jesus values broken pieces.  As Christians we are called to connect to a hurting and broken world, and to help the people around us to get connected with God's love.  We are thankful that God can build his church with broken pieces because that means He has a place for us; we are all broken pieces.
Lego Church 5 - Built with broken pieces from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
Lego Church 5 - Built with Broken Pieces
Sermon notes by Marshal Blessing
Redemption Church Plano Tx
Welcome to the last week of our Lego Church sermon series.  We have spent the past four weeks talking about Lego.
Lego has increased in popularity over the years, and some Lego sets and pieces have actually become valuable collectors’ items.  A recent study found that over the past 15 years collectable Lego sets have increased in value more than gold.
So I thought I would start this week with a quick game of Lego Neiman Marcus.  I’ll show you some Lego minifigs and you try to guess how much they are worth.
Yoda “New York I Love” - $340 – 2013 Toys R Us exclusive only 1000 made and given out at an event in Times Square
Mr. Gold - $2500 – 2013 part of a Minifigures Series only 5000 made, became mascot for series
Solid Gold Boba Fett - $11,500 – Two in existence given away at two comic conventions in 2010
Aluminum Jupiter, Juno, and Galileo – estimated $2,090,000,000 currently traveling toward Jupiter on NASA’s Juno space craft, scheduled to arrive July 2016, orbit Jupiter for a year, then crash.
Lego can be valuable.  You are valuable to God.
In the previous weeks of this series we talked about how we are built to build.
We are made to connect with each other and with God.
In order to build something that will last we need to build on a solid foundation – God.
Once we start building on this foundation we need to keep building.
Building takes time and effort, but God will provide the resources we need.
You were built for a purpose.  You have unique talents and abilities and God wants you to use them.
We need to connect because you could be someone’s missing piece.
This week we’re going to talk about what the Lego Church is Built With.
This seems pretty easy.  The Lego Church is built with Lego.
“you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house…”
You are the living stones.  We are the Legos.  We are the members that make up the Body of Christ.
Really lots of things can be built out of these “living stones.”
Business, club, sports team, family, political party, nation
Only one will endure.  Only one is built on a foundation that will last forever.  Only one is built on God’s Chief Cornerstone.  That one structure that will last forever is the church.
There is another important difference between the church and any other group of people.
That difference is in the choice of building materials.
Earlier we played the Neiman Marcus game, I have one more Lego piece I’m going to show you and I would like you to guess its value.
[tech booth – wait for cue] Broken Lego
How much do you think this Lego is worth? $100? $50? $1
How much is a standard 2x4 stud worth? This one is probably worth less than that.  Right?
During the first week of this series Chris discussed some of our common experience with Lego:
Bucket, stepped on one, etc.
At some point in your life you have probably encountered a broken Lego.
Bent, mini-fig missing head, dog chews it, run over, blown up…
Kids playing with Lego don’t like to use broken pieces.  They don’t look right. They don’t connect right. Usually they get thrown away.  When a Lego piece breaks it loses its value.
We often do the same thing with people.