Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Redemption Church Plano Texas VIDEO

Lego Church 4 – Built to Create

February 02, 2016

this just in...
You can basically create anything with a Lego. Just google "built with legos." It would be a shame to only build something boring... You can basically create anything in your life... it would be a shame to only build something boring..
God is creator. You are created in His image. You have also been given the ability to create.
Creativity is spiritual. Usually we think of prayer, worship, studying God's word, etc. as being spiritual, but not creativity.
The truth is that God has placed gifts, callings, wisdom, dreams, & passion within you. You do not have these things by accident, but it is the creator showing up in your life.
Are you ready to create? It's what you are built for!
Lego Church 4 - Built to Create from Redemption Church on Vimeo.
Redemption Church is a nondenominational Church in Plano Texas. Our mission is to declare the good news and see others become followers of Jesus Christ. Our vision is to be a 1st Century Church connecting to a 21st Century world. To bring the community, the power, passion & dedication of that 1st century church to the fast paced, technologically advanced, and complex world of the 21st century.
We currently meet on Sunday afternoons at 3pm at the Corner of Parker Rd & Alma in Plano Tx. We would love to greet you in person.
Our lead pastor is Chris Fluitt.
Lego Church 4 - Built to Create
Sermon notes by Chris Fluitt
Redemption Church Plano TX
Lego Church 4 – Built to Create
**Vid bumper
Lego Church Title
We are in the 4th week of our Lego Church series… You can learn a lot from a Lego.
You are created to connect with others. We are built to build together in community.
In order to build on something that will last you must build on something unchanging.
You can’t give up! You need to keep building. God will supply everything you need, just keep building!
Today I am bringing you something that is not normally heard in Church, and that needs to change.
You are Built to Create
You are built to be creative, vibrant, and full of life. You are not built to blend into the crowd but to stand out from the crowd. You are built to change your environment for the good.
You are created for so much more than..
Attending a church.
Being “saved.”
Wearing a WWJD bracelet or a Jesus fish bumper sticker.
God has built you to create!
When we started this series we gave each of you a Lego brick. To be specific the piece we gave you is the Lego 8-stud 2x4. It is the most common Lego.  It is a very simple Lego Brick.
If I were to take two 8-stud 2x4 bricks, how many combinations could I create?  (24 different combinations)
If I were to add one more 2x4 brick, 3 IN ALL, how many combinations could I create? (1,060 different combination)
Now what if I took six 8-stud 2x4 bricks, how many combinations could I create? (With the aid of computers, the exact number of combinations has been calculated as 915,103,765!)
If something as simple as an 8 stud 2x4 Lego brick can create over 915.1 million possibilities, don’t you think it is safe to say that WE AS CONNECTED PEOPLE OUGHT TO CREATE MORE POSSIBILITIES IN OUR WORLD.
I would tell you that you and I are vastly more complex and versatile that an 8 stud Lego.
Your Bible tells you that 1 person can chase a 1000, and 2 can chase 10,000. (Joshua 23:10, Deuteronomy 32:30)
I need some creative people to help me build today. As you came in today we selected 3 people and gave them pieces from this small Lego set.
I have in my hand one of the smallest Lego sets I could find.  It includes ___________ pieces and builds 3 different vehicles.