Republic Broadcasting Network

The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, January 14, 2025
The great Steve Bannon needs to very sincerely apologize to another man, that millions of us in the MAGA movement love and admire. And today, January 14, 2025, that man is the great Elon Musk. What the hell happened in Steve Bannon’s head to cause him to vituperatively slam Elon? The same Elon Musk who HUGELY helped to save free speech for us when he bought Twitter for a price of $44 billion dollars that Musk knew was ridiculously a money-losing expenditure. Why did Elon burn that much of the greatest fortune ever created? He was willing to personally lose that much of the fortune he created for three reasons: he loves freedom more than money, he loves America more than money, and he loves the patriot cause more than money. Did Elon stop there? No, he gave hundreds of millions of absolutely critical dollars to the Trump and MAGA campaigns. It was surely Musk’s promise to put hundreds of millions into primarying ANY RINO who dared to sabotage the MAGA cause that terrified those RINO’s into getting out of the way. Musk also infused the MAGA movement with vital patriot eloquence that eviscerated the Deep State. I never thought I’d knock anything that Steve Bannon ever did. But this time, Mr. Bannon is very mistaken. And the damage to our cause that is likely to ensue from this inexplicable campaign against a unique hero in our cause isn’t just bad….it could be catastrophic. Please make peace with Elon, Steve, before the damage is done.