Republic Broadcasting Network

Republic Broadcasting Network

Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery, September 13, 2024 Hour 2

September 13, 2024

Ron talked about what he thinks is the best video presentation by Christopher Bollyn concerning who did 9/11/01. Ron boasted that he worked with Christopher on the creation of the power point used in that video presentation. Ron spoke of the qualifications of Bollyn to make such a video and promised the listeners that they would recognize that when watching the video:
Then Ron showed that after 23 years and the discovery of a multitude of facts that prove the government and mass media cartel narrative is false that both continue to repeat the narrative as if the people had not discovered a single thing since 9/11/01 showing a complete disregard for what the people think about anything. He also showed how that continues to playout in articles about high profile people like Trump and Gabbard and those in the various offices of government. The first article was on David Friedman, ambassador to Israel under Trump:
Then Ron reviewed an article about what Tulsi Gabbard thinks about the Middle East and how she has joined Trump’s transition team:
Ron asked the listeners to pray for the repentance of the deniers of the King and Kingdom being the Synagogans and Evangelicals and all others that they thirst for entrance into the Kingdom via the operation of Christ Jesus.