Republic Broadcasting Network

Republic Broadcasting Network

The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, June 11, 2024

June 11, 2024

Tonight, June 11, 2024, I somehow wandered off down memory lane, and did a long reading from fellow radio host, and former high school classmate friend, Michael Medved’s NY Times bestseller autobiography, entitled “Right Turns”. “Right Turns” came out in 2004. And in it, Mike, relates the story of his personal epiphany, and his “right turn”, into becoming persuaded that being a conservative was a very right thing to do. And he did it. And, in the book he gives me very generous credit for being the key person in rethinking the liberalism of his earlier years. That key interaction, and sort of “mind-meld” happened as Mike was extensively interviewing me for his best-selling book “What Really Happened to the Class of ’65?” Specifically, our extraordinary class of ’65 at Palisades High School, in Pacific Palisades, California. Mike was astonished to find as he interviewed me that the “really nice guy Jamie” who was a buddy at “Pali Hi” had become a dedicated activist member of The John Birch Society. This interviewing took place back in 1976 in our old Palisades High School homes. Mike writes in “Right Turns” that he wasn’t that attracted by my John Birch enthusiasm. But he WAS attracted by the philosophical underpinnings of Kelso’s evolution as a right-winger. That underpinning was a deep dive as a young man into the thought of Ayn Rand. Mike writes: “At Jamie’s insistence I undertook a reading of the works of Ayn Rand, and that thinking changed my own thinking into the ‘Right Turn’ that the conservative career of Mike Medved (as one of the most influential thinkers on the right I, Kelso, might add) has taken for almost half a century”. A fun trip down Memory Lane for Kelso tonight. And it’s still all very relevant, since Mike has a magnificent chance to be remembered as an important member of a rapidly growing host of Trump-doubters who have come to see him as “not such a bad guy after all”.