Republic Broadcasting Network
Immunize Wizely with Ingri Cassel March 30, 2024 Hour 1
Hour 1 – Ingri introduced the show and highlighted how there are essential minerals that most people are deficient in, namely iodine. She read the first pert of her article on why everyone needs iodine and is likely deficient in this one mineral f they are not supplementing with iodine. She encourages listeners to read the rest of the article which really explains why it is a serious issue TODAY to be deficient in this trace mineral. — After the first commercial break she introduced her guest Dr Dean Lloyd. Dean has been diligently researching the sudden rise in Covid-related health issues caused by spike protein. We discussed this as well as the EMF/EMR component with the rise in 4G and 5G towers that are fueling the production and spread of spike protein to the unvaxxed who are able to spread it to others who are unvaxxed. We also discussed the issues with the heme in our blood (heme gives our blood the red color and is connected to iron so what we are now seeing in affected people’s blood is iron dysregulation causing thick, dark sticky blood. This in turns causes inflammation throughout the body and the deactivation of the p53 gene. This is also connected to turbo cancers and prion disease. Both ALS and CJD are diseases of misfolding proteins.