Republic Broadcasting Network

Republic Broadcasting Network

STOP THE PRESSES! with Mark Anderson 3.27.24

March 27, 2024

TODAY, HOST MARK ANDERSON RETURNS LIVE AND HOSTS MONETARY REFORM AUTHOR CONRAD LEBEAU. Thru his website,, you can order his works, including special documents. A soon-to-be-posted document is a set of probing questions in the form of a Freedom of Information Act that was sent this month to the Federal Reserve System, seeking answers to key questions, including those pertaining to the government constitutionally creating its own interest-free / debt-free currency—something the Fed has always opposed. Stay tuned for the Fed’s hoped-for response to Lebeau’s FOIA request; the Fed technically has 20 days to respond. Lebeau also is asking questions via the FOIA about the proposed, widely distrusted, nebulous “Central Bank Digital Currency.” Will the Fed abide by its own basic rules and respond to Lebeau at all, let alone in detail? We’ll soon see.