Republic Broadcasting Network

Republic Broadcasting Network

Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club Revisited, March 3, 2024

March 03, 2024

The second half of –Blackbird9’s Breakfast Club– Podcast Episode #14 titled: Unit 8200 Where Are You (original air date-September 27, 2017)

We look at Israel’s Operation Talpiot and the clandestine Telecommunications Unit 8200 who seem to be positioned EVERYWHERE in the US Telecom grid. Expanding on his personal experience in the Telecommunications Industry in the run up to . . . and in the aftermath of 9-11, we will discuss the history of this particular type of illegal electronic surveillance by both foreign and domestic jewish interests in the United States. From the Fourth Amendment of the US Constitution to the (((Full Spectrum Dominance))) agenda of these Modern Maccabees working for the Greater Israel agenda all roads always seem lead to Israel and World Zionism. Every. Single. Time.
