Republic Broadcasting Network

Republic Broadcasting Network

Immunize Wizely with Ingri Cassel March 2, 2024 Hour 1

March 02, 2024

Hour 1 – Ingri introduced the show with some news from the newsfeed that many may have missed. She also brought up the latest viral news – Miki Klann of fame had 11 others sign her Notice of Liability which she served to the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors, reading it into the record after serving them. All nine of them ran from the public meeting, abandoning their posts! Hear about it on Nino’s Corner here Miki has started a new website for others to join and use to duplicate her efforts nationwide. The she shared what Christiane Northrup, MD, shared on about Bryan Ardis’ deep dive into nicotine and what a historical Harvard study shows about nicotine NOT being addictive (cigarettes are addictive from the chemicals they add to them.) What Ardis has uncovered is one of the biggest conspiracies ever since nicotine is the one substance that is disassembling the nanotech in the shots and dealing with shedding effectively. At 7:20 Ingri Introduced her guest. Dr Jake Ames has been a board certified for 35 years –from the American Board of Holistic Integrative Medicine. Jake is an expert in treating patients who have cancer, allergies, chronic fatigue syndrome, dermatology (skin issues), autoimmune diseases, fibromyalgia, degenerative diseases, ALS and Alzheimer’s disease. He is also am an expert in endocrinology, dermatology and bio-identical hormone replacement therapy and nutrition. You can read more about his work and testimonies from his patients at his website
Dr Ames is also a passionate dancer, musician (violin and jazz piano) and loves sacred geometry. Soon after finding out why Jake became a physician and all the experience he has had since he was 17 y.o., we find that he left the USA for mexico due to the freedom he has to actually practice medicine there and help people get well with and without pharmaceutical drugs. He immediately starting sharing about discovering urine therapy after reading J Armstrong’s book, The Water of Life. His experiences of miraculous healing in patients were definitely inspiring — but this was by FASTING on urine for 10 days or more. We then launched into allergies.