Republic Broadcasting Network

Republic Broadcasting Network

The Trump Phenomenon with James Kelso, February 27, 2024

February 27, 2024

So much for Faked AI with the bombshell scandal at Google Gemini AI. Gemini “AI” just answered that it would be better to cause a humanity-ending WWIII than to misgender Caitlyn Jenner! Oh, my are the Google “brainiacs” freaking out. They got caught with their pants down….big time. Unless actually intelligent and actually HONEST people write an AI program, you won’t see ANY real AI from anybody. The “tweaked” and fake AI that the politically correct wokies are peddling is being exposed by transparently corrupted “answers” like this “WWWIII would be preferable” response. So, that’s good news today, Feb. 27, 2024. Also, some good news from great shows put out today by Donald Trump, Jr. in his “Triggered” broadcast and Alex Jones. Jones was so good today that I had to go check my library to take down my signed copy of Jones’ new book “The Great Awakening”.