Republic Broadcasting Network

Republic Broadcasting Network

STOP THE PRESSES! with Mark Anderson 1.31.24

January 31, 2024

Today host Mark Anderson, joined by fellow RBN host Ron Avery, reports on and examines a new “comic book” put out by the CDC and four other government agencies, including Texas Health and Human Services. It’s a comical, bizarre effort to indoctrinate youth on the assumed infallibility of the Centers for Disease Control and other bureaucratic agencies in fighting germ-borne diseases. Teen-age and pre-teen readers of the comic book ARE CALLED UPON TO BE DISEASE DETECTIVES IN ACCORDANCE WITH CDC DIRECTIVES, meaning the idea of independent assessments is not being encouraged. We’re all supposed to forget that in 2020 the CDC and other agencies were instrumental in tyrannizing the nation and trying to cancel personal medical choice and the medical policy-making sovereignty of individual nations and their sub-units. The comic book is called “The Junior Disease Detectives: Operation Outbreak.” Mark and Ron touch on urgent border and Middle East issues as well today. To read the comic book for free in digital form (or print it from then same online source) go to this CDC link: The Junior Disease Detectives: Operation Outbreak Graphic Novel | CDC