Republic Broadcasting Network
Immunize Wizely with Ingri Cassel December 9, 2023 Hour 1
Hour 1 – Ingri started out the show with a couple updates. Mentioned how important the New Zealand whistleblower story is and it is very real with all 3 people arrested – Whistleblower Barry Young, Journalist Liz Dunn and a friend of Mr. Young. Then mentioned Friday’s Real Raw News story that happens to be located fairly close to where we live and know much of the controversy locally when they placed the biolab in Hamilton, Montana. For me, the story completely checks out. Links posted in the chatroom at Somehow I gave the wrong phone number to Frank, our board operator so my guest never appeared during the first hour but was finally figured out my error and reached Jose Jarimba the 2nd hour. Jenna Shaputis called in and we discussed dental health and then Kathleen in Texas joined us. A lot of people were fascinated by how Manufactured citric acid is in nearly all packaged/prepared food products — made by Pfizer and cultured in a black mold.