Republic Broadcasting Network

Republic Broadcasting Network

Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 11.02.23

November 02, 2023

Ron continued his discussion of the Israeli destruction of Gaza. He said that Israel is an unlawful government no matter how you consider it, theologically or under the principles of property that regulate every aspect of lawful government. He invited callers to call in early and they did. Ron’s main point today was that no matter who was living in the area of Palestine or Israel or how many of each type of people the government that was established must protect the property of everyone living there consisting of their life, liberty and possessions. The government of Israel does not do that, so it is unlawful. Further he said that Israel will not let Gaza or the West Bank have a government recognized by other nations of the world so they are left with nothing but a militia for any protection at all to the nuclear super power of Israel. Sherri called and reminded us of how Israel got started and some reasons for it few consider. Lark called and agreed with Ron that the main problem in the Middle East is Christian heresy that rejects the existence of the Kingdom of Heaven or God on earth and supports Israel as the chosen people forever different from all others. That view is a rejection of all the works of Christ Jesus. Mike called and got into the scriptures of the end of land of the Jews and how they were to be scattered beyond return. Dan and Ken also called and made important contributions. Ron made a video of a power point presentation on why Israel is unlawful and what it means to everyone on earth entitled “Gaza and You:”
