Republic Broadcasting Network

Republic Broadcasting Network

Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 10.19.23

October 19, 2023

Ron reviewed a Glenn Beck video on Blaze with Ben Shapiro, and Dave Rubin. Ron said it was an appeal to nothing but your emotions and passion based upon the accusation that Hamas beheaded babies and raped wives in front of their dead husbands and slaughtered whole families. There were no principles related to lawful government presented and it was implied that none would be entertained as that was not what this is about. Rubin said this is about those who want to kill all the Jews not occupation of land. And hence the implication is the Jews now have license to kill all the Gazans.
Then Ron reviewed some revealing statistics from Alison Weir’s website showing the one-sided advantage of Israel over all Palestinians in the modern unlawful state of Israel.
Nancy, Lynn, Kit and John called with good information showing that the baby beheading story has been retracted by its source and even President Biden. Surprise, surprise!! We were also called upon to watch Biden tonight address the nation and light up the phones to prevent a barbaric blood bath imposed by the unlawful state of Israel.
Ron wanted listeners to pray to Christ Jesus who has all power in heaven and earth to intervene and scare the liars who call themselves Jews and reject the King of the Jews into retreat from Gaza and the church to cast off the heresy of Premillennialism and for the Christ rejecting Jews to get into the Kingdom so they don’t need to build a fake kingdom on the blood of other nations. Pray that all people be saved through Christ Jesus which is the will of God.

“There have been cases of Hamas militants carrying out beheadings and other ISIS-style atrocities. However, we cannot confirm if the victims were men or women, soldiers or civilians, adults or children,” the official said.

How would you not know if they were children or adults? Maybe you don’t know of any beheadings either?