Republic Broadcasting Network

Republic Broadcasting Network

Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 10.12.23

October 12, 2023

Ron followed up on the theme of principles applied to the Gaza concentration camp in Israel and why the United States cannot back Israel against the concentration camp of Gaza without rejecting Christianity. Ron reviewed what one of his callers said on his last show claiming to be Jewish by blood alone. Tim called Jesus a false prophet and a false god who merely learned a few magician tricks in Egypt and fooled a bunch of cronies. Tim said that Christianity violates the 1st commandment (thou shall have no other gods before me) no matter what a Christian says. Tim left by saying that “God laughs in your face.” Ron said that this is modern Judaism and that a rabbi would not do any better job of explaining the Jewish position in relation to Christianity. So Ron’s question was: how can Christians, which all politicians in the US seek support, be asked to support Israel? This is not two nations fighting each other. This is a tiny concentration camp fighting its unlawful conqueror and conqueror of the most industrialized nations on earth.
Link to short Blinken departure speech:
Link to Gov. Abbott at Synagogue:
Link to Tim’s comments about the false prophets of Islam and Christianity: