Republic Broadcasting Network

Republic Broadcasting Network

Search for Lawful Government with Ron Avery 10.10.23

October 10, 2023

Since no principles regarding the recent “rocket attack on Israel by Hamas” were being discussed in the mass media cartel, Ron presented and applied the Christian principles of property to the “state of Israel” to reveal the following: 1) it was not created lawfully; 2) it was created for an unlawful purpose; 3) it operates in an unlawful manner; 4) it has no claim to the land by previous control or occupancy; 5) it has no claim to the land by Biblical grant; 6) it arose by and is sustained by “fallen away” heretical Christianity. Ron had five callers: Don AZ, Nancy CA, Tim NY, Chris VA and Mer, WI. You can see Ron’s brochure on the “Rights of Israel” in two formats at: and
